
Consultation outcomes: consumer incentives for FY24

Thank you to all of you who provided feedback as part of our initial consultation regarding consumer incentives. We gathered some invaluable insights to help ensure we have an effective framework in place from July 2023. 

The objective of the initial consultation was to get an understanding of: 

  • The wider challenges you’re encountering as an organisation i.e. strategic insights 
  • How broadband fits in your organisation 
  • Feedback on current MIU incentive programme. 


1. Strategic insights 

  • RSPs have a relative common objective of increasing broadband connections, there is alignment here with Chorus’s objective to increase fibre connection volumes  
  • Most RSPs have multiple elements to their organisational proposition, resources (people and / or $s) can be contended across various parts of the business.  


2. Broadband insights 

  • Overall fibre growth has slowed. After several years of strong customer acquisition on a new (fibre) network, there has been a natural slowing 
  • Addresses on Chorus supplied ‘Off-net’ lists are becoming increasingly difficult to convert to fibre e.g., taking more time and resource to acquire.  


3. Mix it Up (MIU) feedback 

  • “We appreciate the incentive” – it helps fund broadband activity in both in terms of acquiring new customers and upgrading customers  
  • “The thresholds are more of a challenge now” – several RSPs indicated that general market conditions and elements of 300 being the “right plan” for many customers 
  • The current framework is not well understood by everybody  
  • Simplicity and transparency e.g., regular reporting would be appreciated.  


Key themes we looking to incorporate in a revised framework 

  • Incentives are valued by RSPs, they support activity to drive fibre connections 
  • The current framework is not driving RSP activity to the same extent as it initially did. The market has changed and the opportunities are different  
  • Simplicity and transparency would be appreciated  
  • Off-net acquisition is increasingly challenging, requiring more resource to acquire 
  • RSPs appreciate frameworks that support different strategies or propositions i.e. provide RSP autonomy to achieve specific goals could be effective. 


Consultation opens 

Based on the insights gathered, we have created a new framework and would appreciate your feedback on some key elements. This consultation is open today until 9 March 2023



If you have any questions, please contact your Chorus account team.