We are placing a broader stop-sell on all copper services in SFAs
From 1 January 2023 we will block new UBA/EUBA (ADSL/VDSL) and HSNS Lite Copper orders in SFAs, and from 1 June 2023 we will do the same for baseband orders.
This is a change in approach: previously we have notified stop-sells just on specific cabinets that are heading into our copper withdrawal programme, and continued to provision new copper orders (including some build work) outside of those cabinets.
We now want to be clearer that we will be blocking new orders for UBA and other commercial copper services in those specified fibre areas. The legacy copper network is being gradually withdrawn in those areas, and it’s not the right one for people to be joining where fibre (and other alternatives) are available.
This Stop Sell notice of copper services covers new connections (i.e. adds and moves, plus certain changes) to the following services:
From 1 January 2023
- Unbundled bitstream access (UBA/EUBA – ADSL/VDSL), and
- HSNS Lite Copper (a commercial service provided under the legacy WCSA).
From 1 June 2023
- Baseband (a commercial service provided under the legacy CSA).
Transfers driven by the end consumer moving RSPs without a change to the input service will be allowed, along with speed changes on HSNS Lite and upgrade of ADSL2+ to VDSL.
Is this a mass withdrawal?
No. This is not a withdrawal notice for your existing copper services. Our copper withdrawal will continue along the established notification process, in line with the plans we’ve shared with you previously. In some situations new copper orders could still be provisioned under our stop-sell – note that this doesn’t stop us from commencing copper withdrawal in future. Where fibre is available, any new copper connections are only a temporary solution.
Remind me - what is a specified fibre area?
SFAs are generally determined annually by the Commerce Commission. At a high level, they confirm where Chorus can refuse new copper end-users and withdraw copper.
Importantly, SFAs are wider than just Chorus fibre areas, and include where other fibre providers have built their networks.
You can find detail about SFAs on the Commerce Commission’s website.
Outside SFAs, our copper network will continue to offer consistent, reliable phone and broadband services.
How will the stop-sell show up in my systems?
In the same way that it currently does for copper withdrawal batches. If you place orders for a new copper service in SFAs, you will receive a response in Wireline stating that ‘Copper Withdrawal is Underway for this address”. New copper services will not be allowed.
With these changes to copper availability, it may be prudent to consider changes to your order journey for these locations.
We understand you may have questions about how order and exception processes will work. If you would like to discuss these with us, please reach out via your Service delivery manager.
Next steps
If you would like further information on copper stop sell and copper withdrawal, please visit Copper withdrawal inflight projects page.
For any queries, please contact your service delivery manager.