
New Chorus fibre off-net list

To help you grow your fibre customer base we have reviewed, refined and rationalised our address data lists.

Our new Chorus fibre off-net address list provides a consolidated view of addresses where Chorus fibre is available but there is no active fibre connection (i.e. the address is off-net) with some supporting information (e.g. ONT status), that was previously included in the separate lists noted below. This information can help you extract even more value from our RSP incentive programmes as it identifies addresses that are eligible for incentives.

This new address list replaces the following data files:  

These old lists will be maintained for the month of August to provide time for any changes to automated processes.

The file will be updated monthly and is available on our Service Provider (SP) website.  



If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact your account team.