
EMMA improvements

On 11 June 2024 we had some EMMA co-design sessions to explore enhancements that will enable you to self-serve and manage test data to your requirements. Thank you to those of you that attended, your participation and feedback have very much shaped these improvements to EMMA.

We got some great insights in the co-design session and are looking to provide the following improvements.


EMMA stub improvements – 27 August 2024

  • Port consumption awareness – today, EMMA always connects on port 1, regardless of whether it is already assigned or not. After this change, UNI and ATA Ports will reflect the production environment, assigning the next available port. This also means that you can only assign as many services as there are ports available and requests to connect an additional service on an ONT with no free ports will return  a ‘No free suitable ports are available’ response.
  • Separate order ID range – in co-design, we received feedback that a separate order ID range for EMMA would be beneficial. This change will deliver exactly that. Order IDs for EMMA will now be in the 150000000 and beyond number range. This only applies to new orders in EMMA. Existing orders will retain their existing order IDs.


EMMA data setup – effective immediately

In the past, data setup has been managed through emails to the Implementation mailbox. Now a standard data set can be requested through an easy-to-use template on the API support page.

This standard data set will cater to the vast majority of test cases. However, if you do need anything specific beyond that, or if you need another exchange set up, then please continue to email these requests through to

You shared many other insights during the co-design session around how EMMA could be more efficient and effective for you. We will continue to factor these into our continuous improvement plans for EMMA over time. 



If you have any questions, then please reach out to your friendly Chorus account team.