
2nd Gen Hyperfibre ONT update

Last year we let you know that we are going to introduce the next generation of Hyperfibre ONT. 

We said that we would update you more on the details closer to the launch. We’re getting closer with a soft launch on 19 November 2023 and full launch expected in February/March 2024 when stocks of the current Hyperfibre ONT are exhausted. 

The new ONT value (Type 210) will be deployed into EMMA on 07 November 2023 and into Production targeting the 19 November 2023. These new values will also be presented in the Assurance API, Assure Portal and the LineTest API. Note the APIs will not have a version upgrade as only the new value will be introduced. 

The soft launch will support RSP testing, and you could see the ONT value in the network at this point (if you query one of the addresses where this testing is taking place). Once we have made the Production changes then we will be able to support RSP ONT testing. Please let your account team know if you would like to test this ONT. 

Please find the briefing pack below (under resources) with details of what this will look like from a systems perspective. 

We have an in-flight project page for the 2nd Gen ONT introduction. 



If you have any questions, then please reach out to your account team.