
MOE Broadband Subsidy extended to 30 June 2024

Following recent government budget announcements, we are pleased to confirm that we will be extending our MOE Broadband Subsidy for qualifying households to 30 June 2024.

Participating RSPs will automatically continue to be credited for agreed connections – no further action is required.

We have also agreed with the Ministry of Education to add further qualifying connections to the subsidy. MOE will place these orders with RSPs as required.

The following conditions will apply to these new qualifying connections:

  • Orders must be placed with the project identifier ‘MOE 2023’ to allow us to identify them and ensure they are included in the monthly credit
  • As detailed in our recent copper stop sell, Chorus will not provision copper broadband within Specified Fibre Areas
  • Unless prior agreed with MOE, transition orders are not included 
  • There is a cap of 10,000 new connections
  • Unless prior agreed with MOE, from 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024, new connection orders can only be placed for premises that already have an ONT.

If you have further questions regarding this extension, please contact your account team or Nick Jensen.