
Earn credits on new fibre connections and upgrades to gig.

Pure Fibre

Chorus and RSPs ultimately want the same thing - more broadband connections with happy customers and higher ARPU. 

Insights from our industry consultation provided the foundations for the framework. Key insights were: 

  • Incentives are valued by RSPs to support fibre broadband activity 
  • Flexibility with plan eligibility i.e. “the plan should be right for the end-customer” 
  • Simplicity and visibility is valued by RSPs. 

We launched our consumer framework "Pure Fibre" in July 2023 as a simplified framework with increased plan eligibility.


Pure Fibre: A simple transparent framework 

  • Focused on new fibre connections while also rewarding upgrades 
  • With no product thresholds RSPs have increased certainty e.g. if a copper customer migrates to Home Fibre Starter 50 the RSP will receive $100 credit 
  • All consumer plans are eligible (some limited exceptions e.g. secondary connections)  
  • Credits will be processed monthly  
  • Note: addresses connected to fibre within the last 90 days will not be eligible for a new connection credit. 
  • An RSP must achieve net fibre growth in a month to be eligible for an incentive payment for that month.

*For Home Fibre Starter 50 (HFS), the maximum retail price of no more than $60/mth remains in order to be eligible for the lower input price, while the HFS Offer is in place.

Please see the below Offer terms for criteria and other conditions.


  • A simple, easy to understand framework
  • No product mix thresholds
  • Credits processed monthly

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FLASH Business Offer – July to September 2024

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