
Copper withdrawal in fibre areas

Transitioning customers to fibre

Copper withdrawal in fibre areas

Fibre is now available to 87% of New Zealanders. Where a fibre network is available, we can withdraw the old copper network. Under the Copper Withdrawal Code, we notify affected addresses and work with our RSP customers to migrate to fibre or an alternate network.

Our Chorus SFA areas are almost all under withdrawal now and all will be in the next 6 months, however only consumers who receive a notice from us are included in the withdrawal process.  Further withdrawals will continue in Other LFC fibre area’s, once our planning is completed. 

There are also some remaining copper connections in withdrawn areas which fall outside the Copper Withdrawal Code (services provided to non-building access points and commercial services).  We have sent letters to those RSPs with such connections setting out a date for withdrawal of these services.  If you have these connections, we’d encourage you to explore alternative services as soon as possible and let us know if you need help.

As we come to the end of providing services notice in Chorus fibre areas, this WIP will become increasingly important to focus on. Your assistance in this will be very much appreciated.

We have recently emptied our first exchange of all copper services. Birkdale exchange area has become our first fibre-only area in New Zealand. We have a few more on the verge of being empty which are a priority for us.

As of October 2024, we have:

  • Emptied 1,511 Cabinets emptied
  • Cabinets notified (not yet empty) - 972  
  • Notified 98,000 Addresses
  • Emptied Exchange – BKL (Birkdale)

FY24 Batch volume plan – high level 

Our high-level plan for this financial year is to include approx. 6,000 services per batch, maintaining the cadence of a batch every two months. Batches in Other LFC fibre areas have been successful, and we will continue to include some of these areas; this activity will increase once copper withdrawal within Chorus fibre areas is complete.

Information for consumers

The Copper Withdrawal Code requires Chorus to meet minimum requirements before we can withdraw copper – including  providing impacted consumers with easily accessible information. Our team has been working hard to ensure the information we provide consumers is as informative as possible. We hope it helps consumers to have informed conversations with you. 

The Commerce Commission released an amended version of the Copper Withdrawal Code, which is in effect from 5 April 2024. We have reflected these changes in our collateral and notification process. This updated collateral is now available for you to view and have on hand to support your key messages for ongoing conversations:

1. Letter addressed to the Occupant, which forms part of the notice.

  1. First notice
  2. Second notice
  3. Third Notice/Final reminder
  4. Continuation notice*

*This is only sent to consumers if Chorus are not able to withdraw copper, typically because of an open fibre order placed during the notice period

2. An accompanying guide with more consumer-focused detail, which also forms part of the notice. [View booklet]

3. A dedicated copper withdrawal web page on the Chorus website for consumers, which contains everything they need to know.

With the Copper ‘stop sell’ in place since early 2023, we won’t be issuing specific ‘stop sell’ notices for each batch. Instead, when we launch a new batch, the copper withdrawal web page will have the impacted list added. 

The copper withdrawal process

Our process has been tested, iterated, and now embedded in our BAU operational teams.  

  • The Batch Milestones table below shows the current and planned batches.  
  • We will update this with further batches regularly.
  • Fibre orders follow the BAU fibre process however progress and issues are monitored by our programme.

If you would like an overview of the programme and process, please reach out to the copper withdrawal team.

Supporting the programme

Thank you to those RSPs that have been involved and supported the process so far.  For inflight and future batches, we ask for your continued assistance with the following:

  • Let us know about any incorrect customer address / records details when we send you Advance Notice.
  • Inform us of any ‘at-risk’ customers as early as possible.
  • Continue to contact and inform your customers of the urgency to move off copper before the End of Notice Period.

Batch milestones

FAQs and further assistance

A number of related questions have been answered in the FAQs below. If you do have any other questions, or require additional support, please do not hesitate to reach out to your service delivery lead or email the copper withdrawal team.

Frequently asked questions

Stop-sell overview

Stop sell and new copper orders

Stopping the sale of new copper services in areas where we intend to withdraw copper enables us to manage the Code requirements for existing services and limit a user experience impact for new service consumers. Change of plan and change of provider orders are allowed to progress, however copper withdrawal notices still apply.

Stop Sell notices have been issued for each batch that is released, and our systems rejected any requests for new copper orders at addresses in the withdrawal process. As of 6 March 2023, Chorus implemented a 'Stop Sell' on all copper services inside SFA areas (you can view these areas here on the Commerce Commission site). This means that all affected addresses - including those targeted by copper withdrawal batches - will be prevented from placing new copper orders and fibre will be the only fixed line option offered. Fibre is available to all these addresses.

Stop-sell FAQ