
The “Better on Business” offer has been designed to help you win new fibre customers and upgrade your base to our exciting new Small Business Fibre product. Sign up now until 28 June 2019 to benefit from it.

The ‘Better on Business’ offer is our incentive to support the launch of Small Business Fibre.

From 1 July 2019 through to 30 June 2020 we’ll be helping you with acquisition and retention activity to help you sell Small Business Fibre. 

NB - This Offer assumes that CIP will approve the launch of Small Business Fibre shortly. We will update you if there is a delay in approval.

How does it work

You will receive a credit contribution for every new connection and upgrade when you submit an order that meets the qualifying criteria.  Orders received within the offer period of 1 July to 30 June 2020 will be eligible and paid on service given up until 30 September 2020.

You’ll also receive an additional $50 for every qualifying new connection order received between 1 July to 31 December 2019 and service given is before 30 September 2020.

Key characteristics of Better on Business


Further conditions of the offer

  • Available in Chorus UFB areas
  • Retail service providers can sign from 04 June to 28 June 2019
  • Orders received within the offer period will be eligible but paid on Service Given
  • Any address that received a credit from another Chorus offer and also credited for this offer are required to meet conditions of the payment period for both the offers
  • If a Service Provider receiving a credit relinquishes the service covered by the incentive within the qualifying period, the Service Provider will be subject to a repayment obligation on a pro rata basis
  • Minimum 12 months on the Chorus fibre network with a 12 month repayment period applied on disconnects.

What’s excluded

Please refer to the Better on Business Offer Letter for a detailed list of exclusions and eligibility criteria:

  • Bitstream 2 200MB and SME Max plans, voice-only plans and secondary offers
  • Any orders at Smart Location addresses
  • Inactive intact addresses <30 days
  • Bitstream 3/3A plans including Education plans
  • HSNS Premium and Enhanced Bitstream 4 plans
  • HSNS Copper plans
  • Any connections that downgrade and then upgrade by the same RSP within 30 days of transaction
  • Any disconnections then reconnect with same plan by same RSP within 30 days of transaction
  • Any addresses where there is a current business legacy service on the Chorus network.

Want to know more

Please take a look at the supporting documents  or contact your Account Lead for more detail


  • $50 Kicker bonus credit available on new connections from 1 July to 31 December 2019
  • Available from 1 July to 30 June 2020
  • Transactions fees are waived for Small Business Fibre upgrades

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