
Consultation outcomes: Chorus Exchange Connect (CXC)

Late February 2023, we ran a consultation on a proposed new backhaul product for beyond POI to POI, called Chorus Exchange Connect (CXC).

Feedback was positive, and we will launch this product in the second half of 2023. Formal notice will be provided in due course. 

On the back of CXC being introduced we intend to stop-sell some backhaul products which will be superseded. Formal notice of these will be communicated separately.


Summary of Chorus Exchange Connect (CXC)

  1. New backhaul product beyond POI to POI, subject to capacity and availability  
  2. Bandwidth managed 10G and 100G variants  
  3. Dark extension with radial steps A: 0-10km, B:10-20km, C:20-40km  
  4. 10G Single Fibre Working


Consultation feedback and outcomes 

CXC feedback


Next steps and contact 

If you would like to speak to someone about these changes and how they may impact your organisation, please contact your account team.  

This new product will be tabled at the April TCF Product Forum where you will have an opportunity to ask questions.  

We appreciate the feedback received from you and have taken it on board.