
Passive Optical Network Fibre Access Service (PONFAS) document update

The price list and PONFAS Operations Manual do not reflect current operational installation practices with respect to fibre allocation. These documents currently reflect a different treatment for the blue and orange fibres of the premises lead-in cable that runs from boundary to premise. However, current operational practices are ‘colour agnostic’ and do not distinguish between them when providing services.  

Current practice is that all unused fibres built to a premises are available to all fibre services, on a first-come, first-served basis. This includes fibre intacts with no current working service. Spare fibres are used before fibre intacts.  If no spare fibres or intacts are available, then you can request the build of additional fibres to the premises, generally on a POA basis. These practices are aligned across all fibre services i.e. GPON, P2P, PONFAS and DFAS.

As a consequence of removal of the distinction between blue and orange fibres, minor updates are required to the Price List and PONFAS Operations Manual. In addition to this, we are also taking the opportunity to correct for a pre-existing error in the Price List, at the same time. These changes will be tabled at the upcoming Product Forum (12 September) and then reflected in the published version of the documents once they have been endorsed.



If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Karen Matheson, Portfolio Lead or your account team.