
UFB Bulk Handover network rearrangement charges

To support RSPs’ and resellers’ network rearrangements and to assist with transferring large numbers of subscribers between RSPs’ and resellers’ UFB handover links, we are adding bulk handover remapping activities to the existing UFB Handover Bulk Transfer Service (Bulk Transfer Service).    


Bulk Transfer Service fees  

The existing Bulk Transfer Service fee provides a one-off fee per handover (see below).  

The current fixed fee per handover for the Bulk Transfer Service is:  

  • $533.27 for migration to a 1G handover    
  • $1,066.55 for migration to a 10G handover  
  • $2,133.10 for migration to a 100G handover  

All pricing is based on per handover that the subscribers are moved to.


New credit for remapping transfer fees

As part of the Bulk Transfer Service fees, for network rearrangements we will now include a one-off credit against the applicable standard remapping transfer fee of:  

  • $2.31 per subscriber that supports the transfer of UFB Bitstream 2/3 services; and  
  • $18.57 per subscriber that supports the transfer of UFB Bitstream 4 services.  

For clarity, the credit will only apply to remapping activities with the scope of the Bulk Transfer Service, and we are not changing the existing fees for the Bulk Transfer Service.  


Effective date

The effective date of this change is 29 July 2024. Whilst this is a shorter notice period than usual, we think this change is beneficial to RSPs and reseller’s, but please do let us know if you think otherwise.  

The credits will be applied for applicable transfers after the effective date (and will also be applied for any active in-flight transfer orders based on customer applications).  

The final service description update to the Bulk Transfer Service is subject to product forum review.



If you have any questions or need further information, please contact your Chorus account team.