
Assurance appointment booking (2-hour introduction) update

In March we announced our intention to introduce 2-hour appointment slots for fibre faults in specified regions on 19 August 2024. Our research along with customer feedback has told us that giving customers a choice of appointments and more precise arrival windows will help us meet customer expectations and lead to more satisfied customers.

We’ll be making fault appointments available with a 2-hour tech arrival window for fibre customers in Auckland, Napier/Hastings, Palmerston North, Wellington/Hutt Valley & Dunedin.  

When we were investigating the demand for 2-hour appointments, our research revealed that customers who aren't offered a range of appointment options generally have lower satisfaction scores. To help address this, we would like to encourage your agents to offer customers a choice of fault appointments, so they can select the time that best fits into their busy lifestyle. Introducing 2-hour appointments gives the customer six options to choose from instead of the current three, offering significantly more flexibility to when they need to be home.  

We want to help your frontline Assure/Support agents have great conversations with your customers, so we’ve produced some helpful FAQs to assist your teams in explaining the new appointment slots and setting the right expectations with customers.

These FAQ’s will help your frontline Assure agents understand the changes so that they feel confident having great appointment conversations with your customers once this change comes into effect on 19 August 2024. These FAQs could easily be integrated into any internal informers or formal training sessions you have scheduled between now and the change date.  

You can access the FAQs here.

For your reference, you can view the list of exchanges that are eligible for the 2-hour tech arrival window.



If you have any questions, then please reach out to your account team.