
Market campaign support file - new output rollout

After a recent improvement to our internal processes, we are introducing a new formatting output for the market campaign supporting file. This will now have consolidated data and, clear references, for easy reconciliation with the actual credits and debits issued by us. We believe this update will streamline your reconciliation process and improve overall efficiency.

We aim to implement this change on 27 July 2024, following the bill run. You will receive the new format output files for July’s market campaign adjustment.


Highlights of the key changes

Consolidation of multiple detail files into one:

You will now receive one single market campaign detailed file. All existing columns are still available in the consolidated version.

Inclusion of document number for each transaction:

We have added credit/debit numbers to the output to facilitate reconciliation with your automated tools. For those who prefer manual reconciliation, you can still use the document number to match the figures from the PDF credit/debit note document.

Inclusion of invoice date for the original charge:

The original charge invoice date is also included. This key information helps reconcile the credit with the corresponding charge, especially for campaigns designed to credit based on the actual bill, such as the MOE campaign.  

To provide clarity on the changes, here's a demonstration of the differences between the current outcome and the outcome after the change:

Consolidated detail file

  • Current output (split by campaign by billing account)
Current output


  • Future output (only one file)
Future output


Inclusion of document number

Inclusion of invoice date

With this document number, you can reconcile with the adjustment from the PDF credit/debit note document, as well as the credit/debit note detail file

Document number



Inclusion of Invoice Date, and how it works for billing-based campaigns (such as MOE)

Additional image