
Hyperfibre automated feasibility – installs is live

This weekend we launched our Hyperfibre automated feasibility enhancement for installs to make it faster to get your customers connected to Hyperfibre and High Priority Access (HPA).

This enhancement allows the feasibility on addresses that require a new ONT to be installed for Hyperfibre 2000, 4000 plans or High HPA 1000 to be completed before an order is submitted, allowing you to book your scope and install appointment(s) accurately, in real time. Note that Hyperfibre 8000, HPA 2000, HPA 4000 will continue to need manual feasibility.

The key benefit is addresses that have an upgraded line-card will not have to wait the four-week advanced scheduling lead time but will be scheduled straight out to the field, potentially being completed in as little as four days. A list of addresses with Hyperfibre ready line-cards can be found here.



If you have any questions, please contact your account team.