
Copper Withdrawal Code change implementation

The Commerce Commission's updated Copper Withdrawal Code comes into effect from 5 April 2024. This will result in some changes to our copper withdrawal process, notices, and timings that you should be aware of.

We have been working through what this means to RSPs, LFCs, end users, and Chorus. We have also reviewed our end-to-end process to determine where we can make improvements on existing processes. We intend to introduce these changes at the same time as we incorporate the changes arising from the updated Code.

The following highlights the changes that we are implementing:

Item/ActionChangeCode / process improvement
Notice period to end users

We must give no less than 6 months' notice to end users.

We are trialling extending this to be 7 months, to allow for post returns, address issues and ability to navigate around holidays.

This gives RSPs a slightly longer timeframe to work with their customers to migrate them before the End of Notice period.

Process improvement
Notice Naming

Notice names change to First Notice, Second Notice and Third Notice: Final Reminder.

We believe these are more understandable from an end user perspective.

Notice timing

The timeframes between notices have some leniency to enable better focus at the beginning of the process and to allow movement around holiday dates.

Second notice is now no earlier than 2 months or no more than 3 months after First Notice.

Third Notice is now between 30 and 40 working days before End of Notice period.

Notice content

The End of Notice period date will be included in all notices to end users, RSPs and LFCs.

Planned Withdrawal date will only be included in the Third Notice and notified to RSPs and LFC at the same time.

Confirmation Notice

Under the updated Code, this notice is no longer required.

The Third Notice: Final Reminder will state that if a fibre order is underway, we will withdraw copper once the order is completed (providing the end user works with us or their fibre provider to get connected).

Continuation Notice

There are two scenarios where a Continuation Notice can be issued:

  • As soon as reasonably practicable after Chorus decides to continue to supply the copper service (but no later than 20 working days before the notice period end date; or
  • Where Chorus has failed to comply with the minimum requirements and will continue providing the copper service (no later than 75 days after the notice period end date).

We may still be able to withdraw copper at a later date.

Pause noticeFormalised the ability to pause copper withdrawal activity due to extreme or unforeseen event. Chorus must also notify the Commission.Code

Note: We will continue to provide RSPs with notice of withdrawal approximately one month earlier than the Code requires, where possible. LFCs will continue to receive notice of withdrawal one month prior to the first end user notice.

The updated process diagram will be included in all notices as well as the first brochure we send end users.

Batches inflight prior to 5 April 2024 will follow the amended Code. These end users will have the changes outlined to them in the next scheduled letter we send, and a view of the revised timings will be on our SP website. This affects Batches 16, 17, 18 and Enable Batch 2.

Due to changes to notice timeframes and the extension of the notice period, the current Batch Milestones table on our Chorus Service Provider website is out of date and will be updated along with our public website, by 5 April 2024.

LFC Trials

Our first trial with Enable was successful and we have initiated another larger trial with them – running alongside Batch 18. With this success, we have begun trialling copper withdrawal with Tuatahi First Fibre and NorthPower Fibre.

These trials will run alongside Batch 19 which launched on 18 March 2024. This means that end users will be subject to the updated Copper Withdrawal Code and be the first to experience the changed collateral and process.


If you have any queries about these changes, please contact our copper withdrawal team.