
Minor changes to Passive Optical Network Fibre Access Service (PONFAS)

We are proposing some minor changes to PONFAS to enable service providers to better manage splitter congestion on their networks.

These changes enable a service provider to select a preferred, rather than the default splitter and to also change ports or splitters for a working connection.

We will introduce a small change in Portal and update both the Chorus UFB Services Agreement Passive Optical Network Fibre Access Service Description and the Passive Optical Network Fibre Access Service Operations Manual. The draft changes are as explained in the paper presented to the Product Forum, here with final versions available late in March once we have reviewed any feedback received.

If you have any feedback on this change, please contact Karen Matheson, Portfolio Lead by 20 March 2024.   



If you have any questions, then please reach out to your account team.