REN Handover Migrations
With the shutdown of the Regional Ethernet Network (REN), the plan is to move the traffic to the FAN
Today our main aggregation network is the Fibre Aggregation Network (FAN) built to support UFB services. With the shutdown of the Regional Ethernet Network (REN), the plan is to move the traffic to the FAN, which means the handover locations will need to align with the UFB POI sites, where we have FAN nodes.
Due to equipment going end of life/out of support we are shutting down the Regional Ethernet Network (REN) and transitioning all traffic that currently utilises the REN to the Fibre Aggregation Network (FAN). The FAN is our main aggregation network built to support UFB services and runs on more modern and reliable equipment.
As part of this transition, handover locations that utilise the REN will need to be re-platformed to the FAN. For our handovers that are at UFB POI sites, this just means a re-platforming via a port change at the same location. However, Handover Points on the REN network that are not at UFB POI sites are being withdrawn, and traffic currently handed over at those Handover Points will need to be migrated to a Handover Point at a UFB POI site where we have a FAN node.
Impacted Services
The services that are affected by this withdrawal (because they terminate at the affected Handover Points) are:
- HSNS Lite (Copper and Fibre) and Baseband/BBIP
- plus Tail Extension Services on any of these services
- HSNS Premium currently also terminates at these Handover Points but is already being withdrawn
- eDMR also terminates at these Handover Points but will be “long-lined” back to Handover Points on the FAN meaning that these eDMR Ethernet Handover Connections will still function.
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31 August 2024
REN-only Handover Point Withdrawal
REN-only Handover Point Withdrawal (Handover Points on the REN in locations that do not map to our Handover Points with FAN nodes)
What's next
Change of Handover Location for REN-only Handovers
For the REN-only Handover Points, traffic for the Impacted Services will need to be handed over at a different Handover Point, at a UFB POI location in the same POI area, on the FAN. We have identified the alternative Handover Points for each REN-only Handover in the link above.
For example, the REN site at Pahiatua will be shut down and the traffic will be delivered to Palmerston North POI.
If traffic is currently delivered to a REN-only Handover Point by TES, then the TES will be reconfigured to an alternative POI on the FAN network, with the current TES Step charging being applied to existing services, where normally an additional Step charge would be applicable. We are not updating TES matrices to reflect this as this will only be applicable at withdrawn REN Handover Point locations.
The reason that our recommended FAN Handover Point location for certain local exchanges may be different from the recommended FAN Handover Point location for other local exchanges when previously they both terminated at the same REN Handover Point, is due to the difference in the architecture between the copper and fibre networks. This also means that the recommended FAN Handover Point location for each exchange will not always be the same as the UFB POI for termination of fibre services from that same exchange. In most cases the current First Data Switch (FDS) location will continue to exist but will not exist as a Handover Point with handover services available, instead being relevant only for TES services with the route back to the recommended FAN Handover Point now zero-rated as an A-step for the purposes of TES.
Other options for REN-only Handovers
We will identify the alternative POI that we consider best meets your needs. If you don’t want to deliver traffic to our recommended alternative POI, you can use TES to deliver traffic somewhere else. In the above example, this means if you currently have a handover at Pahiatua, you can either order a new Handover Connection at Palmerston North or use TES to deliver traffic elsewhere. For POI areas where there is more than one UFB POI, you can (depending on capacity) choose a Handover Point at a different UFB POI.
We will actively work with you to find the most appropriate alternative site for your migration to an alternative location FAN Handover Point. Your account team will be in touch with a list of your affected Handover Points and affected services. The resources below has a link to our interim process to set up new Handovers, migrate services, and remove old Handovers from REN-only exchanges.
Given the impact of HSNS withdrawal, PSTN shut down, copper stop-sell and copper withdrawal we consider this this to be a good opportunity to consolidate lightly used handovers.
Re-platforming at same location: Short Outage
Where you currently have a service (including TES) terminating at Handover Point that is being re-platformed from REN to the FAN at the same location, you do not need to do anything. However, there will be a short outage as we swap from the REN port to the FAN port. We will be in touch in advance of these outage dates with a brownout period relevant to the Handover POI area to ensure efficient allocation of resources.
Where we are re-platforming your handover Point from REN to FAN at the same location, or where RSPs are required to migrate services from a REN-only Handover Point to an alternative Handover Point on the FAN that we specify, no additional Step charges will be applied to existing services.
We are not updating TES matrices but will be keeping the current TES Step charging for existing services at withdrawn REN Handover Point locations. All other TES Step charges will apply as per the current matrices.
For voluntary consolidation, RSP preferred Handover Points or additional/new services RSPs wish to take at the same time, standard charges would apply.
If you have any questions or wish to discuss your handover requirements, please contact your account team.