
Clarified conditions for Home Fibre Starter 50

We’ve seen significant growth on Home Fibre Starter 50 in recent months and we are keen to keep this going. As more providers consider different ways to use this plan, we’ve seen an increase in questions about when and how the retail price cap applies. The current wording of our Home Fibre Starter 50 terms and conditions isn’t as clear as we would like, so we’ve updated them to reduce the uncertainty and remove confusion.  


What are the changes?  

We’re clarifying that the retail price cap will be met where a provider’s retail offering is publicly listed at, or below, the retail price cap of $60 per month (or $14 per week) including GST. If a provider does not have a publicly listed price for Home Fibre Starter 50 products the provider will be deemed to not meet the retail price cap – irrespective of the price charged to end customers.   

Where a provider offers Home Fibre Starter 50 as an input for multiple propositions, Chorus will monitor compliance with the cap based upon the provider’s highest publicly listed price. For the avoidance of doubt a “proposition” includes, but is not limited to, data capped and unlimited data plans, as well as bundled and unbundled plans. 

This update serves as formal notice that the amended Home Fibre Starter 50 terms and conditions will take effect from 1 November 2023


Upcoming consultation – split billing 

We’re also signalling our intent to investigate split billing capability for Home Fibre Starter 50. If we implement a split billing system, we would then amend the terms and conditions so that providers could offer multiple Home Fibre Starter 50 proposition, and that each proposition would be assessed individually as to whether it meets the retail price cap. We would bill providers accordingly.   


Next steps

If you already have signed up to the Home Fibre Starter 50 terms and conditions, we ask that you provide confirmation of the amendments by email to your Chorus account team.  

You can find a copy of the amended conditions here

We will publish a separate update to begin consultation on split billing, and how this change could look and function, before confirming any further steps on this. 



For any queries, please contact your account team in the first instance.