
2nd Gen Hyperfibre ONT update

Last month we let you know about system changes for the soft launch of the 2nd Gen Hyperfibre ONT in November this year. 

This update serves to provide more information about the soft and full launches as well the associated timings and what to expect. 


Soft Launch 

This is where RSPs and service companies can test the new ONT and the processes. 

  • EMMA (test environment): 7 November 2023 
  • Production: 19 November 2023 

On 7 November 2023 the change goes into EMMA. This is where you can test your systems to confirm that you can see the new ONT in Portal/B2B when querying an address. 

On 19 November the change goes into Production. At this point our network is ready for the new ONT. This is where the RSP ONT trial can take place. We are lining up testing with service companies so that we can get an ONT installed using an install technician. This will be ring-fenced and hand-held so that only orders that are part of the trial will get a 2nd generation Hyperfibre ONT. We do not intend to remove these ONTs or close out your testing. These will be charged production circuits and you have the freedom to manage them as such. This means that you will be able to test right up to, and beyond the full launch. 

ONT Testing: If you would like to test the new ONT in November then please let your Service Delivery Manager know to register your interest. 


Full Launch 

We are allocating a certain number of 1st Gen Hyperfibre ONTs to Bitstream 3 business installs. When stocks reach a minimum level for the unallocated stock then the new ONT will start getting deployed as the default Hyperfibre ONT (for Bitstream 2 services only). 

As this is based on stock levels depleting, we can’t predict this accurately. We have recently re-forecast and the full launch has moved from what we had previously advised. This is likely to happen as early as August 2024, but this is subject to change. The changes made for the soft launch are all that are required for the full launch so once that is done then you should be ready from a systems perspective. 



Please get in touch with your account team should you have any questions or concerns.