
Chorus Relay Connect (CRC) product change reminder

In May we confirmed some upcoming changes to our Chorus Relay Connect (CRC) product. This notice is a reminder that these changes are effective as of 1 August 2023

Changes being introduced include:  

  • Lower pricing across most terms,  
  • Introduction of Single Fibre Working on 10G,  
  • Removal of 48-month (10G and 100G) and 60-month (100G) terms.  

Further detail can be found here.  


Re-signing your existing connections 

For those of you with existing connections who wish to benefit from the reduced pricing or other product changes such as Single Fibre Working, you will need to re-sign the relevant connections from 1 August 2023. Please get in touch with your account team or the Chorus Complex Solutions team who will be able to provide you with a proposal. 



If you have any questions regarding these changes, please speak to your account team.