
Changes to Chorus Executive team

Our operating model changes are now well underway as Chorus prepares to enter a new stage of its lifecycle.

The new operating model will cover the introduction of new capabilities, tools, and ways of working with the intention of keeping the organisation at pace with leading practices and allowing it to be more focused on customers, and end-to-end delivery of key initiatives.

The new operating model will include migrating to a new organisational structure to become effective in Q2 of FY24. This structure includes the introduction of three end-to-end value streams of Access (focusing on fibre broadband to homes and businesses), Infrastructure (leveraging Chorus assets to generate new revenues) and Fibre Frontier (focusing on rural and regional strategy).

We have now reached an important milestone within this journey whereby we are in a position to provide you an update on some of the changes to our executive team.

We are pleased to announce three new appointments that will take effect from 1 November 2023:

  • Anna Mitchell has been appointed in the role of Exec GM, Fibre Frontier. Anna has been a critical driver of our focus on regional connectivity having started as a policy advisor. She then became the Tribe Lead for Fibre Frontier and will continue to lead this effort going forward. 
  • Elaine Campbell has accepted the role of Exec GM, Access. Elaine has been a member of the Exec since she joined as Legal Counsel, she then successfully took on additional responsibilities with regulatory and corporate affairs.  This role will give her the opportunity to bring this experience to a new challenge. 
  • Marcus Wofinden will be our Exec GM, Network Operations. Marcus has been a pillar of our network operations team and will bring his unique experience in working with the service company community. 

Announced previously, Mark Aue joined Chorus as Chief Financial Officer in April 2023, and will be moving into his expanded role of Chief Operating Officer on 1 November. Mark will be responsible for overarching RSP relationships within the new structure.

As Ed Hyde and Andy Carroll are departing soon, we also have some acting roles to announce: 

  • Daniel Aldersley will become acting Chief Customer Officer when Ed leaves in mid-July and; 
  • Marcus Wofinden will be acting GM CNO when Andy leaves in late-July. 

We will keep you updated when other executive appointments have been confirmed and will continue to provide further briefings as the organisation design completes over the next couple of months.



Please reach out to your account team should you have any questions around these announcements.