
Consultation outcome: High Availability Bandwidth

In November 2022 we consulted with you on our proposal to introduce a new High Availability Bandwidth product.  

The proposed product had the following high-level specifications: 

  • High Traffic Class only, with 1, 2 and 4 Gbps options 
  • High availability, with in-built card level redundancy 
  • Based on existing XGSPON layer 2 technology (OLTs/cards) 
  • Delivered using an SFP-ONT 
  • Built on new Multipoint-to-Multipoint layer 1 technology using 2:4 uncontented splitters exclusive to this product. 
  • Priced between $400 - $1000 

We are appreciative of the submissions we received as part of this consultation process. Having taken the time to carefully consider all feedback, we are pleased to share our findings below.  


Consultation feedback and outcome 

Overall, the feedback we have received has been positive and we were able to confirm that there is a market need for this product. Below is a high-level breakdown of the feedback we have received and our responses: 

Proposed Feature What You Said Our Response 
High Traffic Class only, with 1, 2 and 4 Gbps options. 

High Traffic Class is useful, however price will be a key consideration. 

A single class service eliminates the priority tagging requirement and makes configuration easier. 

Some of you expressed that you would prefer Low Traffic Class if it meant a better price. 

The price we are introducing is a lot lower than the original guidance we provided, which reduces the need for a Low Traffic Class variant. 

All plans remain High Traffic Class only to guarantee the quality of service expected from a product such as this. 

High availability, with in-built card level redundancy. 

The high availability component is not that important. Line cards are reliable, so this doesn't solve a real problem. 

A better price is preferred over card level redundancy. 

We are dropping card level redundancy and 2:4 splitters in favour of a lower product price and faster delivery schedule.  

We may later introduce low split ratio splitters for the 2 and 4Gbps variants, however these will not offer any redundancy. 

SFP-ONT end customer termination 

SFP ONTs are important as they enable better integration with higher quality and higher capacity equipment. They are also great in locations where space is a constraint. 

Some of you have expressed the need for a standard ONT option, to connect existing equipment that only supports RJ45 terminations. 

We will introduce a standard ONT as well as an SFP ONT option.  

The 1Gbps HPA variant will initially be launched using existing Hyperfibre ONTs, with SFP ONTs planned for release a few months later. This enables us to speed up delivery for the 1Gbps variant.  

Large MTU size (9100) A large MTU size is critical for a product of this description. We have amended the product requirements to include a large MTU (9100). 
Coverage The product needs to cover all of NZ, including NOA locations. 

At this stage we are unable to offer nationwide coverage through NOA. 

The product will be available exclusively inside of the Chorus UFB footprint (UFB, UFB2/2+). 

Based on your feedback, we have decided to proceed with developing this product, with some notable changes detailed below:

Product name: High Priority Access* 
Variant: HPA 1000 HPA 2000 HPA 4000 
Price: $300  $400  $500  
High Traffic Class: 1000 Mbps 2000 Mbps 4000 Mbps 
Low Traffic Class: 
Splitter: 1:16 TBD TBD 
Standard ONT Yes Yes Yes 
SFP ONT Yes Yes Yes 
Transparent VLAN: Yes Yes Yes 
MTU Size: 9100 9100 9100 
Business Restore Yes Yes Yes 
Backhaul use-case support Yes Yes Yes 
Availability: Chorus UFB/UFB2/2+ Chorus UFB/UFB2/2+ Chorus UFB/UFB2/2+ 
*This is a working name which may change closer to launch. 


Description of changes 

  • Card-level redundancy and 2:4 splitters were dropped in favour of a lower product price and faster delivery schedule. This is consistent with the feedback we have received during consultation. 
  • HPA 1000 will be delivered using existing 1:16 splitters, with grooming-based contention management in place. The use of existing 1:16 splitters for the 1Gbps variant vastly reduces complexity and means we can have it in market quickly, to support migrations from NGA Business Premium or HSNS Premium.  
  • HPA 1000 will be initially launched using existing Hyperfibre ONTs, with SFP ONTs planned for release a few months later. Including standard ONTs is consistent with consultation feedback and speeds up delivery for the 1Gbps variant. 
  • We are exploring various options to manage contention for the 2 and 4Gbps plans, including low split ratio splitters. Numerous enhancements are required to support these variants, so delivery will take longer. 
  • All plans remain High Traffic Class only. The price we are introducing is much lower than the original guidance we provided, which reduces the need for a Low Traffic Class variant. 
  • All plans will benefit from High MTU (9100) based on feedback. 
  • The product remains available exclusively inside of the Chorus UFB footprint (UFB, UFB2/2+) 


Planned delivery schedule 

Below is our target delivery schedule for High Priority Access: 

Delivery table

Please note that these time frames are indicative. We will issue an official notice of launch closer to the go-live date. 


Next steps 

The development of High Priority Access is now underway. We will endeavour to publish a comprehensive service description as the technical details are finalised. Please note that “High Priority Access” is a working name and will change prior to launch. 



Please get in touch with your account team should you have any questions, or if you wish to express your interest in testing this product with us once we have a working prototype. 

We will keep you informed of progress and any changes should they emerge.