calendar icon Wednesday, 24 November - Friday, 31 December
Update number: 24112021

This consultation has now closed

Consultation outcomes will be published shortly.

Big Fibre Boost call-to-action consultation outcome and creative preview

Thank you for your feedback on the proposed options for the call-to-action on our Big Fibre Boost marketing activities. 

There was no clear preference, however the commentary provided useful context for developing a solution that addresses the main concerns. 

The main themes of the feedback were: 

  • Concern with directing consumers to a page with other providers displayed. 
  • Concern that a provider list would not capture information for all RSP’s as many are not direct customers of Chorus.
  • The process needed to be simple for the consumer with no unnecessary steps.
  • Requests to minimise contacts to RSP channels. 
  • RSPs to manage the conversation with customers.  
  • Request for Chorus to be clear about the upgrade process.

Based on the feedback we won’t include any details from providers on our website campaign page, and will instead have copy explaining the process and seeking to minimise inbound calls to you at the same time as ensuring we provide clarity for consumers and create awareness of our largest-ever performance upgrade for New Zealand fibre broadband customers. 

This approach means we will have different call-to-actions by channel and you can now see the draft detail of the call-to-action by channel and examples of the creative that will run in each here (or under 'resources' below). 


Sharing your plans when available

As we mentioned in the marketing plan, when you are ready to make a public announcement about your plans for the Big Fibre Boost, we will cross-promote all announcements on our social channels. This will help to provide further clarity to consumers. 



If you have any questions about our upcoming Big Fibre Boost activity, please contact Roxinne McCord, Project Manager or Nick Bulmer, Marketing Lead – Consumer & Brand.