
Upgrade Fibre 50 to our popular Fibre 300 plan during October-December 2022 and get $60 for each upgrade (excludes Home Fibre Starter 50)

At a time when prices are rising everywhere, we are enabling you to provide some of your lower speed customers better value with our latest upgrade offer. 

Between 1 October - 31 December 2022 we are offering a $60 upfront credit for upgrading them to our popular 300Mbps plan. 

This offer is specific to those currently on NGA Home Fibre 50 (boosted to 50Mbps down from 15 December 2016) (“Fibre 50”) when they upgrade to NGA Home Fibre 300 (boosted to 300Mbps from December 2021) (“Fibre 300”). We will pay you $60 towards this.

To participate, download, sign and return the Offer Letter to your Chorus account manager by 30 September 2022. 


  • Provide your customers a speed upgrade from 50Mbps to 300Mbps and we will contribute $60 towards this

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