
Changing the way we quote for modifications to existing service lead on the fibre network

“Move Network” activity covers relocation of the network within your customer’s property between the ETP and communal network – like moving an aerial lead-in underground. It is priced on application (POA). The POA process currently requires a site visit and accounts for over 60% of the lead-time for fibre modifications that include moving the network.

We’re simplifying our POA process. Going forward we won’t need to complete a site visit to scope these network moves –  instead, based on information you provide, we’ll price depending on the type of activity requested. This change will cut down lead-times, and make the process easier by giving you greater cost certainty.

The new process will be applied to those standard installations or existing connections requesting a move or relocation of network. A small number of exclusions will require further investigation (for example, where there’s a very long lead-in, or internal cabling).


Type of work (RSP to elect when submitting)What it involves 
OHUG (overhead to underground)    

Undergrounding where customer provides trench: Customer wants to underground an aerial connection and the customer (or third party acting on the customer’s behalf) has installed a duct/conduit from the ETP location to the pole that currently services the property (Common where the OHUG is associated with power undergrounding).


Undergrounding where Chorus provides trench: Customer wants to underground an aerial connection and wants Chorus to complete all works associated (including where the customer has provided their own trench or duct from building to boundary). Chorus will complete all outside the boundary work  and all activities associated with relocating the network underground from the pole location to the ETP location. 

Service Lead RelocationCustomer wants to relocate or move the position of their fibre service lead to another location within the property (excluding aerial undergrounding, - refer above).
External Termination Point (ETP) RelocationCustomer wants the ETP moved from its current location. 
Service lead Disconnection/ reconnectionCustomer wants to temporarily disconnect their service lead, typically to be able to modify the surface of the building that it is attached to (renovations etc.). The service lead will be reattached on a like for like basis not moved or altered under these requests.
Customer wants the ETP moved from its current location.
Service lead Disconnection/ reconnection Customer wants to temporarily disconnect their service lead, typically to be able to modify the surface of the building that it is attached to (renovations etc.). The service lead will be reattached on a like for like basis not moved or altered under these requests.


What if the Customer wants guidance on how best to proceed?

The technician will still provide this whilst on site, the only difference is that the cost to perform the work will already have been agreed upfront which will allow the technician to carry on with the work once agreed with the customer or allow them time to consider other options. Either way we will not proceed with the work until the customer agrees with the scope of work and signs it off. 

What do the POA prices for relocations cover?

The specific outcomes described above. In some OHUG situations the customer may have done some of the work already and (further to above) would not be charged where they had adequately provided the trench.   

What else do our front-line agents require to support application of this new process?

In some cases, we can immediately give you a POA quote based on what has been described in the ‘Location of Equipment’ field already. Where we need a little more information to support our assessment, we use the order to request this.

These are the key things we need to know to confirm a quote:

  • Is the network that the customer want moved currently overhead, underground, or attached to a structure (fences etc.)?
  • Will the customer supply their own trench or duct for the network to be installed in?
  • If an OHUG is being requested, is there power being undergrounded as well? (This is a key indicator to us that a duct is normally all the way to the pole & we don’t need to account for the outside boundary portion of work)

What if the customer has agreed for Chorus to install the duct to the pole but it’s already been completed prior to the technician turning up on site?

If the technician’s instruction differs to the work required, they will discuss this with the customer and confirm how the customer wishes to proceed. The work notes will be communicated back from the technician and the standard billing augmentation process will be used. Where more work is required, the ‘Provider to Advise’ process may be used to communicate the necessary billing changes.

Does the OHUG quote cover the move of Fibre ETP or ONT?

No, since there is already aerial fibre installed, all the work required (Inside and Outside Boundary) to move the existing aerial cabling underground is to the current ETP location. Moving any other Chorus Network Elements will be charged separately using the appropriate charging mechanism. The work can be carried out at the same time as the undergrounding of the service lead.

For customers who wish to install their own inside boundary duct, how do they know where to lay it to?

If they can trace back to where the existing service lead is connected to then this will normally be the optimal location to leave it at the boundary adjoining the road reserve. If this isn’t practical, we will be able to rectify the location of the drop off when the technician is on site to complete the required work.


Supporting Information


For more information on the Move Network Optimisation please review the following pack (also under resources).



Following our internal trial and review, which is currently underway, we plan to implement this change on 1 April 2022.



If you have any questions regarding the implementation of this upcoming change, please contact your Chorus account team.