
Introducing UFB geo-diverse handover link feature

We are introducing the geographically diverse handover link feature in May 2022.

This new feature introduces an additional level of resilience as it allows RSPs to allocate end-users to two geographically separated UFB handovers in the same candidate area. This will ensure that in the event of a failure for any one of those handovers, the RSP can seamlessly switch traffic over to the other handover.

Initially this feature will be available in the Auckland and Wellington area on 10G and 100G handovers. 

Monthly rental pricing:

Handover type Price ($ per month)
UFB Handover Rental 10Gb Site Diverse 1x1 Active & Standby 624.36
UFB Handover Rental 10Gb Site Diverse 2x2 Active & Standby 1,248.72
UFB Handover Rental 10Gb Site Diverse 3x3 Active & Standby 1,873.08
UFB Handover Rental 10Gb Site Diverse 4x4 Active & Standby 2,497.44
UFB Handover Rental 100Gb Site Diverse 1x1 Active & Standby 3,807.03
UFB Handover Rental 100Gb Site Diverse 2x2 Active & Standby 7,614.07

One Off Install charges:  

Handover site type Price ($)
10Gb Site Diverse 1x1 Active & Standby 624.36 
10Gb Site Diverse 2x2 Active & Standby 1,248.72 
10Gb Site Diverse 3x3 Active & Standby 1,873.08
10Gb Site Diverse 4x4 Active & Standby 2,497.44
100Gb Site Diverse 1x1 Active & Standby 624.36
100Gb Site Diverse 2x2 Active & Standby 1,248.72 

You can order this new feature via Wireline (OOT) handover links order form. You will also be able to place an order to convert an existing handover to become part of a geographically diverse handover group in the same candidate area.

Geographically diverse handover links will only be available in sites that have the required hardware. More sites will be added as we upgrade infrastructure in our exchanges.

Initially we will offer this service in the following areas:

Candidate Area Handover Sites
Auckland FOR - Forrest Hill
POY - Ponsonby
MOD - Mt. Eden
Wellington CPC - Courtney Place
JV - Johnsonville



If you have any questions, want to express interest or give feedback, please reach out through your Account Team.