Copper Withdrawal – Batch 1 Shutdown
In March 2021, we initiated our first copper withdrawal trial, with a batch of 28 cabinets and about 240 individual copper services. Almost a year on, following a pause to accommodate Covid-19 lockdowns, this first batch will shortly move into shutdown.
Only 26 services of the initial 240 now remain. We have had a highly collaborative response with our Retail Service Provider (RSP) working groups throughout the process and in determining next steps for these remaining services.
By 2 March 2022, users with active copper services who haven’t taken action will receive Confirmation Notices (confirming that their services will be shut down and when), while users who ordered fibre during the notice period and have an in-flight order will receive Continuation Notices (copper services will continue until fibre is connected).
If you have any customers remaining in this batch, please take action today, or contact the copper withdrawal team if you require further assistance.
At-risk users
We will be asking you for confirmation that there’s nothing further required of Chorus in relation to any at-risk users. To date, we have only been informed of a few users who fall into the ‘at-risk’ category. We are currently working with affected Service Providers to find a timely solution to move them off copper.
RSP disconnection of services
After workshops with you last year, where we discussed process options for disconnecting users, we agreed the most appropriate process would be for RSPs to issue a disconnection order in Wireline after Confirmation Notices have been sent by Chorus. Our Confirmation Notices state that disconnections will take place from the withdrawal date onwards. We will provide a 10-business day turnaround time for you to action these disconnection requests at your discretion.
Chorus disconnection of services
If RSPs have not actioned a disconnection within the 10-business day timeframe, Chorus will issue a disconnection on our end and inform you to cease billing.
Expedited fibre installs
We strongly encourage RSPs to follow-up with their remaining customers in this batch to place an order for an alternative service before the withdrawal date.
We won't be connecting any customers back onto copper after it's disconnected. If fibre is ordered at the last minute before disconnection, we can consider whether the install can be expedited, but there may still be a period without service.
Thank you
Chorus and the copper withdrawal team would like to extend our thanks to all RSP teams that have worked with us over the last two years. It’s been a highly collaborative effort, and we wouldn’t have this many users moved off copper without your support – thank you. We look forward to your continued support as we scale up and optimise processes this year.
Get in touch with your account team if you have any questions or email our copper withdrawal team. You can find more information on our dedicated copper withdrawal web page on the Chorus website.