
Our implementation uses established security protocols to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the B2B messages.

This section provides you with the configuration unique to our implementation, and the steps you need to perform to intergate with our security.

Security is setup across the following three layers:

Security Layer How it works
Network Creates a secure communications channel between your network and ours by only allowing messages between our B2B gateway and our customer.
Transport Ensures the secure transport of the message between your network and ours using Transport Layer Security (TLS) X.509 certificates over HTTP (HTTPS).
Web Services

Secure the payload by signing the messages. We exchange X.509 public key certificates with you so that the intended recipient can verify the message.

Applies validation to message ensure that we only accept messages from an authorised party.

The following diagram provides a visual aid to understand how the messages are communicated between our operational support systems.

Operational support systems


Security Implementation Checklist

Our checklist helps to ensure security implementation is made simple.  To improve our customer experience please provide any feedback on our checklist to our Customer Implementation Manager or Service Delivery Manager.

Your Checks Our Checks

1.  Pre-requisites

You have read our web services security information.

  • We have provided you with our web services security information.

2.  Network Security

  • If required, ensure your firewall is configured to allow the message to and from our network.
  • Run a CURL query to ensure firewall changes have been successful.
  • Configure our firewall to allow messages to and from your network.
  • Where required, support the testing to ensure the changes were successful.

3.  Transport Layer Security

  • Provide our Customer Implementation Manager with the HTTPS end points of your emulation and production environments.
  • Install our TLS Security Certificates for our emulation and production environments. This should be handled automatically as part of your implementation.
  • Configure your HTTPS end points in our emulation and production environments.
  • Install your transport security certificates for the emulation and production environments.

4.  Web Services Security

  • Provide our Customer Implementation Manager with your Public Key Certificates for your emulation and production environments.
  • Install our Public Key Certificates into your emulation and production environments.
  • Provide you with the Public Key Certificates for our emulation and production environments.
  • Install your Public Key Certificates into our emulation and production environments. 
  • Provide you with the value for your Message Diagnostic fromPartyId element.

 5. Validate Security Setup

Submit a message to validate end to end security has been successfully implemented.

  • If required, facilitate end-to-end security validation to ensure it has been successfully implemented.