
Fibre Ordering

Architecture overview

The Business 2 Business (B2B) interface provides a service to allow for the orchestration of B2B message transmission between business partners. This facility caters for the sending and receiving of B2B orders through automated validation and security verification system.

The B2B interface service is founded on the Business Interaction Framework (BIF). The BIF details the operational interactions and processes (business scenarios) that take place to manage customer interactions. Pre-Order and Fulfilment activities are exposed by the B2B in order to enable a single common channel of communication between business partners. The interactions detailed allow for a specific process of programming to an interface described by the BIF.

The B2B service does not instrument business logic but instead performs transport and business payload validation along with security verification and persistence of transactions. The B2B is a proxy service that acts as a gatekeeper to provide transaction-based services to enable Fibre Fulfilment.

The B2B exposes both an inbound and outbound interface due to the nature of asynchronous transactions. The request mechanism for inbound messages is detailed with an 'inbound' Web Services Description Language (WSDL) document. The response mechanism for asynchronous outbound messaging is detailed with an 'outbound' WSDL document.

Industry standards

Our B2B Web Services have been built towards industry standards defined by New Zealand's Telecommunications Carrier Forum (TCF), see Background section below for links to the TCF documentation.

Technology standards

Our B2B Web Services uses well established industry standards. The technologies and their current supported versions are described in the following table.

Capability Technology Supported version
Security Transport Layer Security TLS 1.1 and TLS1.2
Security Digital Certificates X.509 SHA256
Transport Hypertext Transport Protocol 1.1
Payload Simple Object Access Protocol 1.1


Our B2B Web Services infrastructure will consist of two environments as described in the following table. Each environment is configured separately from one another.

Environment Description B2B End Point

Certification  & Development

Emulation Application (EMMA)

A development sandpit/emulator environment for you to perform your own B2B Gateway evaluation, component and integration testing.

We also use this environment for certification.

Emulation (EMMA)

Production The production environment including integration with production business support systems.


Supporting Files

> WSDL and XSD

The WSDL file Chorus-WSDL_version_21.8 replaced by Chorus-WSDL_R23.8 in February 2023.

Customers using B2B and EMMA will need to load the new version of WSDL and XSD.

Download our available WSDL zipfile from here:


> Chorus EMMA Portal Extract

The Chorus EMMA Portal Extract contains the full list of addresses stored in EMMA Portal, in CSV format.

Please see further information described under our emulation environment section.

> Chorus Product Catalogue EMMA extract

The EMMA product catalogue contains both the EMMA product offer ID and the product specifications and characteristic of all on boarded products and CSEs. 

Please ask your Implementation Manager for your latest EMMA product catalogue file.

Also see further information described under our emulation environment section.


The following table describes the products currently supported by our B2B Web Services.

Product Family Product
  • NGA Evolve
  • NGA Business
  • NGA Education
Basic Copper Products not currently available via B2B Web Services
Enhanced Copper Products not currently available via B2B Web Services
Field Services Products not currently available via B2B Web Services
Value Add & Network Services Products not currently available via B2B Web Services
Infrastructure Products not currently available via B2B Web Services

Web service specifications

The basis of our B2B operations is an asynchronous model.  The transport pattern is Request – Acknowledgement (Synchronous) and Response – Acknowledgment (Synchronous).

When you submit a request to a web service (1) we will provide a synchronous acknowledgement of your request (2) at the transport layer.  We will then respond to the message in your request asynchronously. 

When we initiate the response to your request (3) we expect a synchronous acknowledgement from your business at the transport layer (4). 

The following diagram provides a visual aid of our asynchronous model. 

Synchronous versus Asynchronous



TCF Ultra-Fast Broadband BSS/OSS Web Service Design Specification

The following documents and links provide a reference to the industry standards we utilised in the development of our B2B Web Services infrastructure. The documents include the standards and / or the proof of concept for:

  • Function points
  • On- and off-boarding
  • WS-I
  • Business Process
  • Management
  • Interoperability
  • Metadata
  • Reliability
  • Security
  • Transactions
  • Resources
  • Messaging
  • XML
Document Link

New Zealand Telecommunications Forum (TCF) Ultra-Fast Broadband BSS/OSS Web Service Design Specification

This document covers the design of the Web Services Transport layer to be used for B2B transactions between Local Fibre Companies and you for UFB products. It specifies the minimum set of standards that we have implemented.

Refer to the TCF website for documentation 
New Zealand Telecommunications Forum (TCF) Ultra-Fast Broadband BSS/OSS Business Interaction WSDL files Refer to the TCF website for documentation 
New Zealand Telecommunications Forum (TCF) BIF XML schemas Refer to the TCF website for documentation 
New Zealand Telecommunications Forum (TCF) BIF XML samples Refer to the TCF website for documentation 
Touchpoint Data Specifications Touchpoint Data Specifications