
Fibre Ordering

BIC106-BIC110: SupplierReschedulesOrder Appointment


Supplier Changes Appointment or RFS Date


This process provides us with the ability to change a site visit appointment or RFS date against an order belonging to you.

Related B2B Services

Preceded by

Succeeded by

Flow - Supplier Changes Appointment or RFS Date



We reschedule a site visit appointment or RFS date in your order.


You receive our amend order notification advising you of the updated appointment date and time.

Basic Path

1 Identify a site visit appointment or RFS date that require rescheduling. Chorus
2 UpdatethesitevisitappointmentorRFSdate,sendanamendorder notification to the customer. Chorus
3,4 Receive the notification and action as required. Customer

Use Cases

The following use cases support this business process.

Click on the links to view the XML samples.

> Reschedule Site Visit Appointment

In this example we have updated the Scope and Install appointments against your order. We advise you by sending:

  • AmendOrderNotification: SVM_EVENT to advise you that we have changed the Scope site visit.
  • AmendOrderNotification: SVM_EVENT to advise you that we have changed the Install site visit.

AmendOrderNotification: SVM_EVENT

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Scoping Scheduled

AmendOrderNotification: SVM_EVENT

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Scheduled

AmendOrderNotification: SCHEDULED

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Scheduled

> Reschedule RFS Date

In this example, we have updated the RFS date against your order. We advise you by sending:

  • AmendOrderNotification: SVM_EVENT.

AmendOrderNotification: SCHEDULED

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Scheduled

AmendOrderNotification: SVM_EVENT

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: In Progress/Scheduled

AmendOrderNotification: SERVICE_GIVEN

  • Order details
  • State & Substatus: Service Given/Service Given

Success Criteria

This section provides a list of the User Story References that we have met in this business process, as defined by the Ultra-Fast Broadband BSS / OSS Business Interaction Framework.

The document is available from:

Refer to the TCF website for documentation.

US39 As a Service Provider I want standardised service order notifications from the LFCs so I can have consistent order management procedures across LFCs.
SC39.01 The LFCs agree a common set of service order notifications which are captured in the business interaction framework.
SC39.09 The Order Reference Number is included on all order notifications.
SC39.10 The Service Provider Order Reference number is included on all order notifications.
SC39.11 The date and time is included on all order notifications.
SC39.12 LFC uses a formatted template for the notifications.
US42 As theServiceProviderI want to receive a notification when my service request has been confirmed so I that can pre-configure the end-user service, and manage Customer expectation.
SC42.03 The notification contains the Service Provider Order Reference Number where supplied.
SC42.04 The notification contains a date and time stamp.
SC42.06 If the requested appointment date is unavailable, the notification shows that it is a revised appointment date.
SC42.07 The notification contains the Handover Point ID(s). POI ID; E-NNI ID; and Dark Fibre Service End-Points.
SC42.08 Notification contains confirmation of Service ID.
SC42.09 The notification contains the E-NNI Service VLAN ID(s).
SC42.10 The notification contains the E-NNI Customer VLAN ID(s) where applicable.
SC42.11 The notification contains the unique address identifier.
SC42.12 The notification contains the UNI Port identifier(s) where not defaulted in the Service Template.
SC42.13 The notification contains the UNI VLAN identifier(s) where applicable and not defaulted in the Service Template.
SC42.14 The notification contains all necessary information to enable the service provider to preconfigure the service. e.g. SVID, CVID and ONT port.
SC42.16 The notification contains the projected RFS date.
SC42.17 The notification can include the LFC’s parent ID that they have assigned to the service being activated and to related services that are to be joined to form an end-to-end service.
SC42.18 The notification can include the Service Providers parent ID that they have assigned to the service being activated and to related services that are to be joined to form an end-to-end service where supplied.
SC42.19 The notification contains the agreed option 82 value where relevant.
US53 As a Service Provider I want to be kept informed if an installation will not be completed on RFS date so I can ensure a contingency plan can be activated if necessary.
SC53.01 Service Provider will be notified if the installation will not be completed on RFS date.
SC53.02 Service Provider will be notified of the reason for delay.
SC53.03 Service Provider will be notified of a new appointment date as agreed with Customer.
US54 As a Service Provider I want to know if the Customer has aborted the site visit so that I can determine what my next action is.
SC54.01 Service Provider receives notification that the Customer has aborted the site visit.
SC54.02 Service Provider is notified of the reason the Customer gave for aborting the site visit.
SC54.03 Service Provider is notified of any costs incurred due to aborted site visit.
SC54.04 Service Provider is notified of any further action required, where relevant.
US67 As a Service Provider I want to be kept informed if an appointment has been cancelled or needs to be rescheduled so that I can determine what my next action is.
SC67.01 Service Provider will be notified of a new appointment date as agreed.
SC67.02 Service Provider will be notified who the contact person was who agreed the appointment time.
US188 As an LFC or Service Provider I need all interactions relating to contractual transactions to have guaranteed, verified delivery, so that commercial disputes can be resolved factually.