
Fibre Ordering

BIC008: Customer Requests Site Information


Customer Queries Site Information


This process provides you with the ability to query a location and retrieve a list of active product instances, and open orders. This information allows you to make informed pre-sales decisions with your customers.

Related B2B Services

Preceded by

Succeeded by

Flow - Customer Requests Site Information



  • A valid Supplier location ID is specified as part of the request.


Site information for the specified location is provided to the Customer.

  • All ProductInstances pertaining to an ONT
  • Existing ONT(s) including ONT identifiers
  • Product id
  • Family Type
  • Offer Type
  • A flag indicating whether the Customer making the request owns the Product Instance Configured ATA and / or UNI ports along with associated port numbers
  • Pending in-flight orders against an ONT.

Basic Path

1 Send query site request with valid supplier location ID. Customer

Receive the request, validate location information and retrieve all active Product Instances, including information about Open orders and ONT details.

If location information is invalid refer to alternate flow.

3 Provide the Site Information response to the Customer. Chorus
4 Receive the Site Information response. Customer

Alternate Flow 1

2.1 If the location information is invalid, return an error response. Chorus
2.2 Return an error response explaining why aSite Information match cannot be completed. Chorus

Refer to the Exception Codes table for error details.

Business Rules

The following rules apply to the information we will include in the Query Site Information response.

  1. If the order has reached the state "Acknowledged" and the substate "Received" but has not been Completed or Cancelled, the order will be included in the response irrespective of who owns or controls the order.
  2. If the order is a "Move" order, this query will not return the "Move From" value.
  3. If the order is a "Transfer" order, this query will not return the "losing RSP" details.

Move Order Example

If an existing product is at location A and there is an in-flight order (Move Primary; from location A to location B), the query will return the following for:

  • Location A, product and ONT details but not relinquishing order
  • Location B, product, ONT details and order details.

Transfer Order Example

If an existing product is at location A and there is an in-flight order (Transfer Primary; from product 1 to product 2), the query will return the following:

  • Location A, product 1, ONT details and any order details.

Exception Codes

  • The Exception Codes table lists the exceptions that may be returned by this service.

For a full list of exception codes and their meanings see B2B Exception Codes.

000 Backendprocessingerrorencountered-Ifproblem persistspleasecontact Chorus admin
001 Supplier Location ID not found
005 Supplier Location ID is not valid

Use Cases

The following table describes the use cases that support this business process.

Customer Requests Site Information, Response Contains Single ONT, One PRIMARY, One Secondary Instance

Query site information is executed to obtain product and order information.

The site has a single ONT, one primary and one secondary instance.

  • Place id
  • Product id
  • Product Characteristics
  • Site Information
  • Interaction
  • Item Details
Customer Requests Site Information, Response Contains Single ONT, Primary Instance and Pending Order Query site information is executed to obtain product and order information where the site has a single ONT, one primary instance and pending order.
  • Place id
  • Product id
  • Product Characteristics
  • Site Information
  • Interaction
  • Item Details
Customer Requests Site Information, Response Contains Disconnect Primary and Pending Order Query site information is executed to obtain product and order information where the site has a disconnected primary and a pending order.
  • Place id
  • Product id
  • Product Characteristics
  • Site Information
  • Interaction
  • Item Details
  • Order id
  • Order item details
Customer Requests Site Information, Response Contains Multiple ONTs, Primary Instances and Pending Orders for Other RSPs Query site information is executed to obtain product and order information where the site has multiple ONTs, one primary instance, and pending orders for another Chorus Customer.
  • Place id
  • Product id
  • Product Characteristics
  • Site Information
  • Interaction
  • Item Details
  • Order id
  • Order item details
Customer Requests Site Information, Response Contains Single ONT with no Products Query site information is executed to obtain product and order information where the site has single ONTs with no products.
  • Place id
  • Site Information
  • Interaction
  • Item Details
Customer Requests Site Information, Response Contains Pending Order with no Existing ONT Query site information is executed to obtain product and order information where the site has a pending order with no existing (installed) ONT.
  • Place id
  • Product id
  • Product Characteristics
  • Order id
  • Order items
Customer Requests Site Information, Response Contains no information Query site information is executed to obtain product and order information where the site has no existing (installed) ONT.
  • Place id
  • Empty response

Use Case Exceptions

The following table describes the use case exceptions that support this business process.

Click on the scenario link to view the XML sample.

Customer Requests Site Information, Backend Processing Error Query site information is executed to obtain product and order information, a backend processing error occurs.
  • Place id
  • Place id
  • Exception message

Customer Requests Site Information, Supplier Location ID is not Valid

Query site information is executed to obtain product and order information, the Supplier Location ID is invalid.

  • Place id
  • Place id
  • Exception message

Success Criteria

This section provides a list of the User Story References that we have met in this business process, as defined by the Ultra-Fast Broadband BSS / OSS Business Interaction Framework.

The document is available from:

Refer to the TCF website for documentation.

Request Success Criteria

US402 As a Service Provider selling services to an end customer I want to know about the active LFC services for all RSPs at a location so that I can make an appropriate offerto my end customer.
SC402.01 TheServiceProvideris provided with the product instance IDs of each active product instance at thatlocation.
SC402.03 The Service Provider is provided with the product family of the LFC product offering that corresponds with each product instance ID.
SC402.04 The LFC does not identify to other Service Providers the Product Offering that corresponds to that service instance.
SC402.05 There is an industry minimum agreed list of values for Product Family.
SC402.07 Where the product instance provided is not an instance of one of the products covered by the CFH contracts, the product family name will only be identified as ‘private’.
SC402.08 The LFC identifies which product instances (and associated end point ports) are related.
SC402.09 The Gaining Service Provider specifies the LFC Place ID when requesting information about active services at a location.
US403 As a Gaining Service Provider I want to know about the ONT resources at a location so that I can identify which LFC service(s) I need to transfer to meet my End Customer’s requirements.
SC403.01 Service Provider is provided with the corresponding ONT port number for each product instance id.
SC403.04 LFCs use a common naming convention for identifying the ONT ports.

Response Success Criteria

US402 As a Service Provider selling services to an end customer I want to know about the active LFC services for all RSPs at a location so that I can make an appropriate offerto my end customer.
SC402.01 TheServiceProvideris provided with the product instance IDs of each active product instance at thatlocation.
SC402.03 The Service Provider is provided with the product family of the LFC product offering that corresponds with each product instance ID.
SC402.04 The LFC does not identify to other Service Providers the Product Offering that corresponds to that service instance.
SC402.05 There is an industry minimum agreed list of values for Product Family.
SC402.07 Where the product instance provided is not an instance of one of the products covered by the CFH contracts, the product family name will only be identified as ‘private’.
SC402.08 The LFC identifies which product instances (and associated end point ports) are related.
SC402.09 The Gaining Service Provider specifies the LFC Place ID when requesting information about active services at a location.
US403 As a Gaining Service Provider I want to know about the ONT resources at a location so that I can identify which LFC service(s) I need to transfer to meet my End Customer’s requirements.
SC403.01 Service Provider is provided with the corresponding ONT port number for each product instance id.
SC403.04 LFCs use a common naming convention for identifying the ONT ports.
SC403.06 The Gaining Service Provider specifies the LFC Place ID when requesting information about resources available at a location.
US404 As a Service Provider I want to know about all open orders with the LFC for each of the active services they provide at a specified location so that I can make an appropriate offer to my End Customer.