
Fibre Ordering

BIC005: Request Appointment Reservation


Customer Requests Appointment Reservation


This process provides you with the ability to reserve an Appointment Time Slot.

Note: the reservation prevents other transactions from acquiring the date and time slot, the appointment will be not be confirmed until you create the order. If the appointment is not confirmed, the reservation will time out and release the Appointment Time Slot.

Related B2B Services

Preceded by

Succeeded by

Flow - Customer Requests Appointment Reservation


Process Pre-conditions

You are reserving an appointment for a site visit where the bookable indicator is True and the order has not been created. You have executed BIC004: Query Appointment Availability and retrieved the available Appointment Time Slots.

Process Post-conditions

The Appointment Time Slot is reserved and an AppointmentSlot id is returned.

Basic Path

1 Submit a request to reserve an appointment. Customer

Process the Reserve Appointment requestandassociatetheSiteVisitidto the AppointmentSlot id.

Anew AppointmentSlot id is generated ifone does notalready existagainst the Site Visitid.

If an Appointment Time Slot cannot be reserved or the input information is invalid, refer to Alternate Flow 1.

3 Return the AppointmentSlot id, Appointment Time Slot and the associated Site Visit id. Chorus
4 Return an error response explaining why the Reserve Appointment cannot be completed Customer

Alternate Flow 1

2.1 If the site information or appointment date and times are invalid, return an error response. Chorus
2.2 ReturnanerrorresponseexplainingwhytheReserveAppointmentcannotbe completed. Chorus

Refer to the Exception Codes table for error details.

Business Rules

Reservation Expiry Timeframe

The appointment reservation triggers an expiration timer of 30 minutes. If the appointment is not confirmed within this time, using the Create Order service, the reservation will expire.

Update Existing Appointment Costs

Appointments rescheduled after 3pm, during the business day before they due to commence, may be subject to additional charges.

Calculating Lead-time

The service will return available Appointment TimeSlots as a morning or an afternoon slot. The dates, where appointments are available, will begin:

  • the following business day, if the request is submitted during business hours.
  • the second business day, if the request is submitted out of business hours, e.g. weekends, holidays or after 5pm during a business day.

The following table shows the appointment types and the associated Lead-times.

Scope N/A Residential (default) 1 day 3 days or more


  • Scope (Day 1)
  • Install (Day 4).
Install (or Install + CSE) Scope Residential (default) 1 day 3 days or more


  • Scope (Day 1)
  • Install (Day 4).
Install (or Install + CSE) None Residential (default) 4 days N/A


  • Install (Day 4).
CSE (stand alone) N/A Residential (default) 2 days N/A


  • CSE (Day 2).
Scope N/A Business or Educational 1 day 5 days or more


  • Scope (Day 1)
  • Install (Day 6).
Install (or Install + CSE) Scope Business or Educational Scope 5 days or more


  • Scope (Day 1)
  • Install (Day 6).
Install (or Install + CSE) None Business or Educational 6 days N/A


  • Install (Day 6).
CSE (stand-alone) N/A  Business or Educational 2 days N/A


  • CSE (Day 2).

Inter-Appointment Lead-time

An Inter-Appointment is where more than one appointment is required for related changes at a site. For example, a site may require Scope and Install appointments.

The Order Feasibility query will return a Site id for each appointment type and you are required to book an appointments for each of them, using the appropriate Inter-Appointment Lead-times.

The inputFilterParameter provides the option of choosing a search criteria that returns only the Appointment time slots which comply with the Inter-Appointment Lead-time rules.

Rescheduling Inter-Appointments

In cases where multiple appointments are required for an Order, you may need to sequence your Reserve Appointment Requests to avoid failing one or more of the validation rules.


You have a Scope appointment reserved for 30 June 2015 and an associated Install appointment reserved 3 July 2015, for a residential customer.

They ask you to reschedule the Scope appointment to 3 July 2015. The Lead-time validation rules prevent you from changing the Scope appointment to 3 July, until you have rescheduled the Install appointment.

Step 1 – Confirm that there are Scope Appointment Time Slots available for 3 July

Use the Query Appointment Availability to request a list of available Scope Appointments Time Slots, use:

  • FilterParameter APPOINTMENT_RANGE - startDateTime 3 July 2015  

This will return a list of Appointment Time Slots ignoring the appointment Lead-time rules. If there is an available time slot for 3 July, reschedule the Install appointment to or after 8 July 2015.

Step 2 – Reschedule the Install Appointment

Use the Query Appointment Availability to request a list of available Install Appointment Time Slots from 8 July 2015.

  • Reschedule the Install Appointment to or after 8 July 2015.

Step 3 – Reschedule the Scope Appointment

  • Reschedule the Scope Appointment to 3 July 2015.

Exception Codes

The Exception Codes table lists the exceptions that may be returned by this service.

For a full list of exception codes and their meanings see B2B Exception Codes.

000 Backend processing error encountered - If problem persists please contact Chorus admin
015 Site Visit ID not found
016 DateTime Range not valid
019 Customer Order ID not found
029 The Order State of the specified Customer Order does not support the selected action
030 The Order ID provided belongs to a different customer
031 Site Visit request failed: {%s}
032 Site Visit reschedule request rejected
034 No timeslots available for provided date range

Use Cases

The following table describes the use cases that support this business process.

Click on the scenario link to view the XML sample.

Customer Requests Appointment Reservation - Scope Appointment Query appointment reservation is executed to reserve a scope appointment.
  • Order id
  • SiteVisit id
  • SiteVisit Appointment Slot dateTime
  • Site Visit  type
  • Order id
  • SiteVisit id
  • SiteVisit Appointment Slot ID
  • SiteVisit Appointment Slot dateTime
  • Site Visit  type

Customer Requests Appointment Reservation - Install Appointment

Query appointment reservation is executed to reserve an install appointment.

  • Order id
  • SiteVisit id
  • SiteVisit Appointment Slot dateTime
  • Site Visit  type
  • Order id
  • SiteVisit id
  • SiteVisit Appointment Slot ID
  • SiteVisit Appointment Slot dateTime
  • Site Visit  type
Customer Requests Appointment Reservation - Install with CSE Appointment Query appointment reservation is executed to reserve an install with CSE appointment.
  • Order id
  • SiteVisit id
  • SiteVisit Appointment Slot dateTime
  • Site Visit  type
  • Order id
  • SiteVisit id
  • SiteVisit Appointment Slot ID
  • SiteVisit Appointment Slot dateTime
  • Site Visit  type

Use Case Exceptions

The following table describes the use case exceptions that support this business process.

Click on the scenario link to view the XML sample.

Customer Requests Appointment Reservation - Backend Processing Error Occurs Query appointment reservation is executed to reserve the Appointment Time Slot. Backend processing error occurs.
  • Order id
  • SiteVisit id
  • Site Visit Appointment Slot ID
  • Site Visit Appointment Slot dateTime
  • Site Visit type
  • Order id
  • SiteVisit id
  • Site Visit Appointment Slot ID
  • Site Visit Appointment Slot dateTime
  • Site Visit type
  • Exception message
Customer Requests Appointment Reservation - Site Visit ID not found Query appointment reservation is executed to reserve the Appointment Time Slot. The Site Visit id is not found.
  • Order id
  • SiteVisit id
  • Site Visit Appointment Slot ID
  • Site Visit Appointment Slot dateTime
  • Site Visit type
  • Order id
  • SiteVisit id
  • Site Visit Appointment Slot ID
  • Site Visit Appointment Slot dateTime
  • Site Visit type
  • Exception message
Customer Requests Appointment Reservation - Date time range not valid Query appointment reservation is executed to reserve the Appointment Time Slot. The Date range is invalid.
  • Order id
  • SiteVisit id
  • Site Visit Appointment Slot ID
  • Site Visit Appointment Slot dateTime
  • Site Visit type
  • Order id
  • SiteVisit id
  • Site Visit Appointment Slot ID
  • Site Visit Appointment Slot dateTime
  • Site Visit type
  • Exception message
Customer Requests Appointment Reservation - Site Visit ID belongs to a different Customer Query appointment reservation is executed to reserve the Appointment Time Slot. Site Visit ID provided belongs to a different Customer
  • Order id
  • SiteVisit id
  • Site Visit Appointment Slot ID
  • Site Visit Appointment Slot dateTime
  • Site Visit type
  • Order id
  • SiteVisit id
  • Site Visit Appointment Slot ID
  • Site Visit Appointment Slot dateTime
  • Site Visit type
  • Exception message

Success Criteria

Request and Response Success Criteria

This section provides a list of the User Story References that we have met in this business process, as defined by the Ultra-Fast Broadband BSS / OSS Business Interaction Framework.

The document is available from:

Refer to the TCF website for documentation.

US43 As a Service Provider, I want to be able to book an appointment for when the LFC is going to perform a site visit so that I can inform the Customer that they need to be at home on that day.
SC43.03 The Service Provider can view AppointmentTimeSlots in the response of a Query Appointment Request.
SC43.04 The Service Provider can view AppointmentTimeSlots after the service request is created.
SC43.05 The Service Provider can view available AppointmentTimeSlots and is allowed to book AppointmentTimeSlots by specifying an AppointmentTimeSlot value that is returned in the response.