
Fibre Ordering

BIC001: Query Address or Location


Customer Queries Address or Location


This process provides you with the ability to submit a location to be validated and to retrieve the unique location identifier, which you will use to call subsequent B2B services.

Related B2B Services

Related Touch points

  • TP005.0: QueryPlaceRequest
  • TP005.1: QueryPlaceResponse

Preceded by

  • Not applicable, this is the first process

Succeeded by

Flow - Customer Queries Address or Location



  • Location information is provided in a valid format.


  • A single address match is returned with the Supplier Location (Place id).
  • If there are multiple matches a list of possible addresses is returned with the respective Supplier Locations (Place ids).
  • If there are no matches, an empty list is returned.

Basic Path

1 Send address location query. Customer

Receive and validate the request.

If the validation returns a partial match refer to alternate flow 1.

If the validation fails refer to alternate flow 2.

3 Return the place response with the address information and the Supplier Location (Place id). Chorus
4 Receive the place response. Customer

Alternate Flow 1

1.1 If a partial address match is found, return a list of matching addresses. Chorus
1.2 Return the place response with a list of addresses and Supplier Locations (Place ids). Chorus

Refer to the Exception Codes table for error details.

Business Rules

The following table provides the list of industry rules that we have met with this business process, as defined by the Ultra-Fast Broadband BSS / OSS Business Interaction Framework.

This document is available from:

Refer to the TCF website for documentation

TCF-IR002 The minimum information required to return a partial list of location result(s) when performing an address based request is a street name.
Chorus-IR005 If any search result list is less than or equal to 200 we will return all results. Where a search result returns 200 results then the search criteria needs to be refined.

Exception Codes

The Exception Codes table lists the exceptions that may be returned by this service.

For a full list of exception codes and their meanings see B2B Exception Codes.

000 Backend processing error encountered - If problem persists please contact Chorus admin
001 Supplier Location ID not found
002 Address not found
004 Required field PLSAM not valid - Please provide a valid PLSAM (1 to 7 digits)
005 Supplier Location ID is not valid
006 Element streetAlphaNumeric contains an invalid value
008 Element streetName contains an invalid value
009 TUI Address Key is not valid
010 TUI Address Key not found
021 EXCHANGE_CODE Address Key is not valid
022 Specified Address Key ‘type’ is not valid
023 PLSAM Address Key is not found
024 EXCHANGE_CODE Address Key is not found
028 Multiple results for Exact Match details entered
035 Unable to determine location search type

Use Cases

The following table describes the use cases that support this business process.

Click on the scenario link to view the XML sample.


Customer Queries by BIF Structured Address - Single MDU Premises Returned

Customer Queries by BIF Structured Address - Using Partial Address Match

Customer Queries by BIF Structured Address - Single Address Match Returned

Query Place is executed using BIF Structured Address matching, to determine if a location is valid.

BIF Structured Address Fields

BIF Structured Address Place id

Customer Queries by BIF Structured Address - Using Exact Match Flag

Query Place is executed using BIF Structured Address and exact matching, to determine if a location is valid.

BIF Structured Address Fields Exact Match Flag

BIF Structured Address Place id

Customer Queries by  Supplier Place ID

Query Place is executed using the Place id, to determine if a location is valid.

Place id

BIF Structured Address

Core Logic

Address Place id

Customer Queries by PLASM ID Address Key

Query Place is executed using PLSAM AddressKey matching, to determine if a location is valid.


BIF Structured Address 


Place id

Customer Queries by Terralink (TUI) ID Address Key

Query Place is executed using TUI AddressKey matching, to determine if a location is valid.


Core Logic

Structured Address 


Place id

Customer Queries by CoreLogic Address Query Place is executed using Core Logic Address matching, to determine if a location is valid.

Core Logic

Structured Address 


Core Logic

Structured Address 

Place id

Customer Queries by CoreLogic Address - Using Exact Match Flag Query Place is executed using Core Logic Address and exact matching, to determine if a location is valid.

Core Logic

Structured Address 


Core Logic

Structured Address 

Place id

Use Case Exceptions

The following table describes the use case exceptions that support this business process.

Click on the scenario link to view the XML sample.

Customer Queries by BIF Structured Address - Address not found Query Place is executed using BIF structured Address matching, to determine if a location is valid. The address is not valid. BIF Structured Address Fields. Query details Exception message.
Customer Queries by BIF Structured Address - InvalidstreetAlphaNumeric Query Place is executed using BIF Structured Address matching, to determine if a location is valid. streetAlphaNumeric contains an invalid value, e.g. it may contain special characters. BIF Structured Address Fields. Query details Exception message.

Customer Queries by TUI ID Address Key - Invalid TUI ID

Customer Queries by TUI ID Address Key - TUI ID not found

Query Place is executed using TUI AddressKey matching, to determine if a location is valid. The TUI ID is invalid or not found. AddressKey type - TUI TUI ID Exception message

Customer Queries by Supplier Location ID - Supplier Location ID Invalid

Customer Queries by Supplier Location ID - Supplier Location ID Not found

QueryPlaceisexecutedusingthe Place id, to determine if a location is valid. The place id is invalid or not found. Place id Query details Exception message.
Customer Queries by Supplier Location ID - Back-end Processing Exception Error Occurs Query Place is executed. A backend process error occurs. Place id Query details Exception message.

Success Criteria

This section provides a list of the User Story References that we have met in this business process, as defined by the Ultra-Fast Broadband BSS / OSS Business Interaction Framework.

The document is available from:

Refer to the TCF website for documentation

Request Success Criteria

US04 As a Service Provider I want to submit a pre-qualification request via the OSS/BSSsoI can save time and cost.
SC04.01 The Service Provider can enter an individual pre-qualification request via the B2B.
SC04.04 The Service Provider can search by an address.
SC04.05 The Service Provider can search by the unique address identifier number.
US14 As a Service Provider I want to be able to search on a partial address so I can select the correct address
SC14.01  The Service Provider enters street name and a list of results are returned.
SC14.02 The Service Provider enters a suburb and a list of results is returned.
US17 As a Service Provider I want a single, unique address identifier for a property so that I am clear what property a LFC is referring to.
SC17.02 The LFC has a process for notifying the Service Provider of the unique identifier.
US34 As a Service Provider I don’t want to have to re-enter any information that comes from the pre-qual so I can save time when placing a service request order.
SC34.03 Service Provider can submit a key related to a previous transaction when submitting a service request via the B2B so they don’t have to submit the whole address.(place ID).

Response Success Criteria

US06 As a Service Provider I want the automatic pre-qualification to return relevant information on the address so I can present options to a customer making a purchasing decision.
SC06.01 Service Provider is notified if the address or unique address identifier cannot be found.
SC06.02 Service Provider is notified if the unique address identifier is in an invalid format.
SC06.03 The Service Provider is informed of the unique address identifier number if not provided.
US14 As a Service Provider I want to be able to search on a partial address so I can select the correct address.
SC14.01 The Service Provider enters street name and a list of results are returned.
SC14.02 The Service Provider enters a suburb and a list of results is returned.
US16 As a Service Provider I want a consistent address format from all providers so that I can manage my databases.
SC16.01 The LFCs have an agreed address format.
US17 As a Service Provider I want a single, unique address identifier for a property so that I am clear what property a LFC is referring to.
SC17.02 The LFC has a process for notifying the Service Provider of the unique identifier.