
Launching soon – new training module on the service provider website

What’s happening

Following the release of the new service provider website in May, we are excited to inform you that we are planning to launch a new training module early July 2019.

This training module is designed for the service provider community and aims to support you in getting to know better Chorus products, processes and tools. We’ll also develop quick tips using bite sized videos for your customer facing teams.

The details

The training module will encompass four areas:

  1. Quick tips: you’ll find bite-sized videos giving quick tips about products, fibre installation, how to optimise broadband use, etc. For the launch of the platform, we’ll have 7 videos available focusing on fibre install, consent and business restore.
  2. Online training: this area is dedicated to e-learning about our products, new tools and processes. For the launch of the platform, we’ll have a new e-learning module dedicated to Small Business Fibre as the product launches on 1 July 2019.
  3. Classroom training: you’ll have the opportunity to book classroom training depending on training modules available. You’ll find a detailed form with the courses available. You’ll just have to complete it and our training consultant will get in touch with you.
  4. Chorus Fibre Lab: in this area, you’ll get more information about the tours we can offer. We’ll also add the events that are happening at the lab.

What’s next

Our approach is to develop the content based on what end customers are looking for and your needs.

For the launch of the platform we’ll have already quick tips videos and online training ready for your teams. We’ll develop content further based on your inputs.

  • Content - we see this project as a great opportunity to collaborate and we would like to get your inputs on the topics that we should cover in the future to help your customer facing teams have more informed conversations with their customers and manage expectations better.
  • Gamification/incentive/induction - we also would like to work with you to make this new module as useful as possible and work on future developments to empower your teams with the right communication approach.


We are looking forward to receiving your feedback on this new initiative and would be delighted to have dedicated working session with you on this.

Please get in touch with your Account Manager to organise a working session.