
Chorus VDSL Connection and Wiring Wash-up

Informer 263: 6 July 2015

The first Chorus VDSL Connection and Wiring Uplift Wash-up is due to be processed in December 2015 and we want to give you an update of progress. 

What's happening?

Our Informer 154, released June 2013, provided details of the launch of the Chorus VDSL service. At this time we published the process for managing the Connection and Wiring charge, referred to as Connection and Wiring Wash-up.

Our Change Notification 75, released May 2014, advised you of the change to billing that meant that the Connection and Wiring Uplift was billed as a separate item (amortised over 30 months).  

What's the detail?

We intended the Wash-Up for Connection and Wiring to work as follows:

In some circumstances, what has actually happened is a bit different.

The Connection and Wiring Uplift charge automatically stops after the circuit has been in place for 30 months, which removes the need for the Long Service Credit.

From 01 December 2014 Short Service Debit charges are being processed in the same month that a Move Address or Transfer to another service provider request was processed. In addition, between 01 December 2014 and 31 March 2015 Short Service Debit charges were also processed for any Relinquishment requests.

When this debit was applied, we calculated the remaining number of months from the 30 month term and multiplied it by the Connection and Wiring Uplift Charge.

To rectify the Short Term Debit charging occurring ahead of the wash-up we will:

  • Apply a credit to your account for the Short Term Debit charges applied to date from 1 December 2014 and on an ongoing monthly basis, to December 2015.
  • Reapply the Short Term Debit charges to your account, accrued from 01 December 2014 to December 2015, as part of the intended wash-up process due December 2015.

As stated last year in our Boost VDSL Contracts Dialogue session, held October 2014, Chorus will continue to monitor and review the VDSL offer based on the environment and industry feedback.  We will consult with you on any proposals in due course.

Who do I contact?

For more information please contact your Account Manager.