Customer Change Roadmap 1
Customer Change Roadmap 1: 7 July 2015
The July 2015 Customer Change Roadmap is now available on our customer website. We have delivered the green pipe process, introduced one new initiative delivering new NGA offers, and updated the delivery dates of a number of existing initiatives.
You can find the Customer Change Roadmap on our website.
Gone live in June
The Green Pipe process delivers mechanisms for you and your customers to order the installation of 20mm green telecommunications pipe into an open trench has gone live.
New Initiatives
NGA Offer releases 16.1 (Consumer Fibre) - this initiative covers one of three NGA releases to deploy new customer requested NGA offers.
Updates to existing initiatives
- NGA business offers (Enterprise) – communication of these offers will now be in July (changing from June), and the release of these will now be in August (changing from July)
- Better Business Service Wrap (Enterprise) – communication of this initiative will now be in July, with the first release to be in August, and the initiative extending into February 2016
- MDU enhancements – first informer will now be released this month (July)
- Fibre Site Investigation (Enterprise) – this initiative is now being delivered under the Better Business Service Wrap initiative
- Managed Provisioning tiered rate card (Commercial) – communication of this initiative will now be in July, with the launch now planned for early September
- Fibre Customer Experience (Cx) initiative (Consumer Fibre) – will now continue into October for the delivery of operational improvements and quick wins identified in the workshops
- Basic VDSL Connection & Wiring wash up process – communication of this initiative will now be in July, with the launch date remaining unchanged in December
Who do I contact?
If you have any questions regarding the roadmap or any of the projects talk to your Chorus Service Delivery Manager.