
Continuing to promote better broadband

Informer 267: 17 July 2015

As we make progress and complete the UFB network build in towns, we want consumers and small and medium businesses to take up the best possible broadband connection available to them. At the end of July, we will begin trialling some marketing activity to drive awareness of better broadband in Taupo

What's happening?

Our marketing activity has been designed to inspire those already using broadband to move to higher speed broadband options (e.g. fibre, VDSL or higher speed fibre plans 100Mbps+) for a better experience. Our intention is to stimulate interest and demand for broadband in Taupo.

What's the detail?

To promote better broadband, we have developed a marketing communications toolkit that uses a combination of different media channels depending on what is available in a certain town. To begin, we are trialling marketing activity as follows:

  • Taupo - starting from Monday 27 July and running for six weeks until the beginning of September. As broadband uptake in Taupo is fairly low across the board, the marketing messaging will focus on encouraging uptake of fibre services and VDSL services (as a stepping stone to the uptake of fibre where fibre isn't available).

We will be closely monitoring the results and the numbers of orders received to gauge the trial's success in increasing the demand for fibre or VDSL services. If successful, we plan to roll this activity out to other towns and cities where we provide broadband services, particularly those with low uptake. We will be sure to keep you updated on our progress and you’ll be able to see examples of our planned marketing activity at our upcoming customer dialogue session to be held in August.

The media channels include social media (primarily Facebook), digital advertising (on localised websites e.g. Trade Me and Metservice), outdoor advertising (billboards or bus backs), local radio and print. 

Who do I contact?

For more information and to work out how we can best support you please contact your Account Manager.