
New business service wrap that focuses on your premium fibre connection

Informer 271: 11 August 2015

In the transition from legacy data services to new UFB fibre we realised your traditional business and education customers have different requirements. To meet these we are introducing a number of service improvements around pricing, ordering and assuring premium fibre services.

What's happening?

In the coming months we will phase the introduction of a number of new service improvements to give you confidence in the knowledge that your premium fibre connections are being given enhanced focus by Chorus.

This Informer provides a summary of the changes you can expect with more detail being made available prior to their implementation through dedicated Informers. There’s more information on each of the proposed changes in the Business Service Wrap customer presentation.

What's the detail?

There are five key changes:

  • increased price certainty through the introduction of rate card pricing for applicable builds and installs
  • faster fault resolution
  • proactive verification of network availability on connection and new test tools
  • establishment of dedicated teams for provisioning and assure
  • the ability to coordinate multi-site customer connection orders

The changes proposed above will be applicable across our NGA Business/Education (Bitstream 3/3A), HSNS Premium, Bitstream 4, DFAS, vDFAS, BFAS and HSNS Lite Fibre products creating a consistent service experience for our premium business and education products.

 These changes do not apply to NGA Evolve / Education (Bitstream 2 services).

If you consume one of these products the new service wrap will automatically apply, there is no need to on-board or migrate your customers.

Informer 272, released today, details the first of the new rate cards for business fibre builds and installs for HSNS Premium, HSNS Lite Fibre, BFAS and vDFAS in the former Chorus ‘Blue Zone’ and within other LFC areas.

Who do I contact?

There is further information on the proposed changes within the Business Service Wrap on our website or you may prefer to talk to your Chorus account manager.