
We want to give you better visbility of our network and systems outages

Informer 275: 19 August 2015

To give you better visibility of what is going on our network and systems we have added planned and unplanned outage notifications to our customer website. 

What's happening?

We currently send you these by SMS and emails. These will still continue but you can now go to the website and scan for outages that may be impacting you or your customers.

What's the detail?

To make it easier to keep up to date with what is happening on our network and in our systems we have added planned and unplanned outage notifications as a feature in our customer website. We have integrated our messaging system with the website and these will now be displayed minutes after they are sent.

Key features include:

  • Network and Systems messages have been separated – systems outages were getting lost in the volume of network messages
  • You can search on planned and unplanned outages
  • Systems outage notifications are searchable by system
  • Network outages are clearly displayed with a location heading
  • Updates to an event are grouped under the same heading so you can track progress to a resolution
  • The key information can be scanned from the index and you don’t have to open each message
  • The website calls the messaging system every five minutes and updates with new notifications

Network outage notifications are available at

Systems outage notifications at

You do need to login to the website to access.

Who do I talk to?

Talk to your service delivery manager for more information.