
Grandfathering of UPC and UPC Lite

Informer 285: 16 September 2015

We are giving notice, today, that we will begin the grandfathering process for all the commercial services within our Unbundled Partial Circuits (UPC) product family. 

What's happening?

Unbundled Partial Circuits (UPC) services are business-grade, layer 2 services delivered over the ATM access network. While these services extend the reach of your copper network and support a variety of IP connectivity applications, they are older, low-speed copper access services with more up-to-date Ethernet or GPON replacements readily available.

We will be grandfathering these services UPC, including all Variable Bit Rate (VBR) and Committed Bit Rate (CBR) variants and all UPC Lite as follows:

  • 17 March 2016 – Level 2
  • 30 June 2016 – Level 1
  • 30 June 2017 - Withdrawal

What's the detail?

On 17 March 2016 UPC and UPC Lite services will be move to Level 2 grandfathering meaning:

  • No new customers may obtain the product
  • Existing customers cannot order more instances of the product
  • Existing customers can keep the instances of the product they already have
  • If an existing customer moves locations they can keep the product where equipment and capacity allow

It is not mandatory to move your customers at this stage, however this is a good opportunity to discuss alternative business services with your customers.

On 30 June 2016 we will move the grandfathering to Level 1, meaning:

  • No new customers may obtain the product
  • Existing customers can keep the instances of the product they already have
  • If an existing customer moves they cannot keep the product
  • Existing customers cannot order more instances of the product

On 30 June 2017 all UPC services will be withdrawn meaning:

  • Any instances of the product must have been moved on to other available products

We will be in touch with you to discuss what other service options are available at your customers address – you may want to consider NGA Business, HSNS Lite over Copper or VDSL.

Who do I contact?

For more information please contact your Account Manager.