
New business service wrap - launch of first phase of improvements

Informer 286: 17 September 2015

Following the announcement of our new business service wrap in August (Informer 271) we are launching our first phase of improvements, including faster restore times, establishment of dedicated business only teams and ability to troubleshoot at connection.

What's happening?

Over the next month we will be launching four improvements as part of our business service wrap giving you the confidence that your premium fibre connections are being given an enhanced focus by us.

This Informer provides a summary of the improvements being launched in Phase 1, with more detail available on the relevant product pages on our website. Phase 2 will be announced in early October.

What's the detail?

There are four business service wrap improvements launching within Phase 1:

  1. 8 hour restore operational level agreement (OLA) – faster fault resolution giving you the ability to back-up your restore commitments to customers. A reduction to 6 hours will be announced in October. Launch: 17 September
  2. Dedicated assure workflows – prioritisation of business and education faults within our Assure team and proactive requests for information to minimise delays in restoring your customer’s connection. Launch: 17 September
  3. Dedicated provisioning team – a team who understands your business and education connection requirements now contactable by a new email channel for faster resolution of issues. Proactive requests for information to ensure accuracy of your orders faster and direct contact with our technicians at ‘agree’ step to minimise reschedules. Launch: 15 October
  4. Network verification process – enabling your technicians to call our provisioning team to troubleshoot connection issues and confirm that the service is activated and available at your customer’s site. Launch: 15 October

The changes proposed above will be applicable across our NGA Business/Education (Bitstream 3/3A products creating a consistent service experience for our premium business and education products in line with HSNS Premium / Bitstream 4, DFAS, vDFAS and BFAS).

If you consume one of these products the new service wrap will automatically apply, there is no need to on-board or migrate your customers.

Who do I contact?

If you have any questions please contact your Chorus account manager.