
Customer Change Roadmap October 2015

Customer Change Roadmap 5: 19 October 2015

The October 2015 Customer Change Roadmap is now available on our customer website. We have updated the delivery dates of a number of existing initiatives and launched included a new initiative.

You can find theĀ Customer Change Roadmap on our website.

Live in September

  • Better Business Service Wrap: first milestone achieved, see Informer 286. Next milestone is mid-October
  • New NGA Plans: six new plans are now available via The Portal

New Initiatives

  • EUBA promotion: Launched September to help you migrate customers from BUBA to EUBA

Existing Initiatives

  • Premise Networking Services: currently on hold.
  • VDSL Band Plan: Cabinet migration now expected to take place mid-October
  • Trial of managed provisioning rate card: now commencing mid-October

Who do I contact?

Talk to your service delivery manager if you need more information on any of the initiatives.