
Video content: Install Support process and commercials

Informer 318: 12 February 2016

If you couldn’t make the recent Dialogue, or would like another chance to see the presentations, you can check out the video content now on our customer website.

What's happening?

We know that some customers wanted to attend the Better Broadband 2016 Dialogue but were unable for a variety of reasons, so we’ve packaged the best parts and will be making them available over the coming weeks – starting with the broadband 2016 strategy and Install Support offer.

What's the detail?

As part of our wider broadband strategy, we’re introducing Install Support to improve the consumer fibre installation experience for your customers while you build your B2B, process and capability.

During the recent Dialogue we walked through the details of the Install Support offer, covering two key areas:

  1. The process: scope and transition plan and key operational considerations
  2. The commercials: details of the offer and next steps if you’re interested.

Reminder: the first phase of Install Support drops on 22 February, so make sure you sign the offer letter and complete the onboarding requirements before then to take full advantage of the offer.

Who do I contact?

If you would like to speak to someone in more detail about our broadband strategy or Install Support then please contact your Account Manager.