
Video content: Fibre customer experience and research

Informer 326: 3 March 2016

If you couldn’t make the recent Dialogue, or would like another chance to see the presentations, you can check out the video content now on our customer website.

What's happening?

We know some customers wanted to attend the Better Broadband 2016 Dialogue but were unable for a variety of reasons, so we’ve packaged the best parts and have been making them available to you on our customer website.

Today it’s making the ideal customer experience a reality and listening to consumers – the fibre installation experience. 

What's the detail?

You have been telling us that improving the customer experience is critical to your broadband strategy, so we’ve initiated a piece of work to better understand what a great consumer experience would look like and how we measure up against it.

During the recent Dialogue we took the opportunity to walk our customers through two key pieces of this project:

  1. Fibre customer experience: the journey to the ideal experience
  2. Fibre research: improving the experience and creating advocates

The outcomes that we discuss in the videos will now form the foundation of all the work we do and will help to drive the solutions that we develop in the future.

Who should I contact?

If you would like to know more about either programme please contact:

Fibre research -

Fibre customer experience -