
NGA in-flight order management offer

Informer 328: 7 March 2016

To help move some of your fibre orders forward and reduce outstanding provisioning activity, we’re introducing a short-term offer to all of our customers. 

What's happening?

Our customers have told us that they would appreciate periodic support when they have a backlog of orders waiting for new dates to be agreed with consumers. To help with this, with each request we’re offering management of up to 1,000 existing in-flight NGA orders that are on-hold, waiting for dates to be agreed.

This is for a limited time and is intended to help progress orders from a held status to the next stage in the lifecycle. This means that our team will investigate the held order and may contact your customer to agree appointment dates, if needed.

The offer is available from the time you sign the letter until 30 December 2016. There are no additional charges for this service. To accept the offer you will need to sign and return the offer letter to your Chorus Account Manager. The cut off for signing the letter is 30 September 2016.

Who should I contact?

For more information on the offer, or a copy of the offer letter, please contact your Account Manager.