
Availability rules consultation

Informer 340: 8 March 2016

We would like to invite you to an audio on 17 March 2016 to discuss the change we’re proposing for copper broadband availability.

What's happening?

You’ve told us that fibre is a core part of your broadband strategy and it’s also the end goal for the industry as a whole. As a result we’re proposing to maximise fibre connections when there is existing fibre at a premise (eg the premise has an ONT installed), by updating the broadband pre-qual to show NGA as positive and copper broadband variants as inconclusive i.e. further investigation is required.

What's the detail?

Under the new rule, when copper broadband variants are presented as inconclusive it will mean that further investigation is required to proceed with a copper broadband service. This ensures that you can continue to provide copper broadband services where required, such as medical alarms and monitored house alarms that are not compatible with fibre.

You will be able to proceed with a copper broadband service by submitting the required broadband order in Wireline OO&T. The order will then be staged to Feasibility and manually investigated and processed by our provisioning team. The change to copper broadband pre-qual will not affect the availability or pre-qual of copper voice services. We would like to know your thoughts on this and if you support the change.

Join us on 17 March for a 30 minute audio at 1pm.
Audio conference number 083032 guest pin 988042

Please make sure you book the time into your calendar.

If you would like to ask an anonymous question prior to, or during the audio, please email Michelle Bond.

Following the feedback we will send a further informer later in the month with the final outcome and next steps.

Who should I contact?

For more information please contact your Service Delivery Manager.