
Improving the process for consents on right of ways

Informer 341: 10 March 2016

To ensure your customers are well informed during the consent process for installing fibre on a right of way, we’re sending a new letter with more information from 4 April 2016.

What's happening

From 4 April 2016 we’ll begin sending letters directly to consumers who request a fibre service on a right of way driveway. The letter will include information about the process, how to help it along and what to expect from the installation.

Please note, as part of our plan to simplify the language we use when we’re explaining the fibre installation process to consumers, we refer to right of ways as shared driveways in the letter and on the public website.

What's the detail?

Using the current process, when we receive a request for a fibre service from someone who’s on a shared driveway we send their neighbours a letter asking for their consent to install and include a brochure describing the methods available for delivering fibre.

The person requesting the service doesn’t receive the same information and is not aware their order will be cancelled if we don’t receive consent from their neighbours within 30 days.

To resolve this, from 4 April 2016 we will send the requestor a letter that will:

  • Encourage them to talk to their neighbours about giving consent
  • Explain the installation methods we use
  • Summarise the next steps after consent is given – e.g. we extend the fibre network along the shared driveway, and a Technician visits them to agree an installation plan
  • Advise that if consent isn’t gained within 30 days, the order is cancelled

Who should I contact?

For more information please contact your Service Delivery Manager.