
Improved installation forms and Customer Service Experience templates

Informer 348: 22 March 2016

Following your feedback we’ve made changes to the forms our Technicians present to consumers and how we deliver Customer Service Experience templates for new connections, modify and transfer requests. 

What's happening?

From 2 May 2016 we will use new fibre installation forms and End User Terms (EUTs) plus you will see new Customer Service Experience (CSE) templates when ordering Next Generation Access (NGA) connections via the Chorus Portal. 

You can begin on-boarding from 2 May 2016. Once you are on-boarded you can start using the service. 

What's the detail?

UFB Installation Agreement Forms
In response to your feedback we’ve revised the installation forms and EUTs we ask consumers to sign when we install fibre. We’ve also created an alternative form (without EUTs) on the back for corporate customers, so the person on-site is only signing to agree the installation method. These changes reflect our consultation with your representative at the Product Forum.

From 2 May 2016 the new EUTs and UFB installation agreement form (NDF240) will be available on our website. To support the two forms and CPE options, we will also launch a new standard install CSE (detailed below) from this date.

Standard EUT suppression CSE
This CSE is for consumers with a global agreement with you, e.g. those who agree upfront the EUTs for multiple sites. You can now use the new CSE we have added to the Chorus Portal. Please note that selecting this CSE without a prior global agreement in place will mean there is the financial liability for you.

The CSE will suppress the EUTs at the agree stage. The Technician will then use an alternative UFB installation agreement form without EUTs. To take advantage of this new option you need to on-board for the standard EUT suppression CSE and is available from 2 May 2016.

We’ve also added a new CPE truck roll install option for orders placed on all modify and transfer connections and secondary connects. This will replace the current standard CSE. If you require a Technician to go to site and connect the CPE and/or devices to that CPE, then this will provide you the ability to schedule a booking date. Please note, by using this CSE it will incur the follows charges:

Charge as per the UFB price listDescription Amount (excl GST)

Section 8.4 installation of simple CPE with existing wholesale serviceThe additional charge to install a simple Service Provider CPE at a later date to the installation of a service instance of the wholesale service at premises required to provide a new or change service e.g. Router.$125

Section 8.6 installation of complex CPE with existing wholesale serviceThe additional charge to install a complex Service Provider CPE at a later date to the installation of a service instance of the wholesale service at premises required to provide a new or changed service e.g. Router. $175

If you do not require a truck roll then leave the CSE tab as the default blank.

Who should I contact?

For more information please contact your Account Manager. Alternatively if you are a B2B customer please contact your Implementation Manager for an updated product catalogue extract.