
Making it easier to get a connection for new premises or when renovating - Green Pipe Product

We’ve established a process to supply a duct when an open trench exists on a customer’s premises.   

What's happening?

We’ve established a new process that will make it easy to order the installation of a 20mm Green Pipe at an address where an open trench already exists. The new process will start from 30 June 2015.

What's the detail?

From 30 June you can place an order for us to go to your customer’s premises and install a 20mm Green Pipe into an existing open trench.

This makes it easier to connect the property to the Chorus network when the time comes and/or to upgrade to fibre. Pre-installing the Green Pipe should remove the need for invasive work between the boundary and ETP on site when a service is ordered. This is typically required when new house is being built or significant renovations are taking place and there is an open trench that is able to be used.

For layer 1 products please enter “please install a 20mm green pipe into an existing open trench” in the Generic Order Form / Field Services / Miscellaneous.

For layer 2 products please enter “please install a 20mm green pipe into an existing open trench” in the Complex ARC form.

We will then arrange for a technician to go to site, install the pipe and sign it off.  This service does not include any trenching work by us or the connection of the green pipe to the wiring at the premises or to our network.  The connection of the premises to our network may require further work and additional charges.   

If the site is inside a Chorus UFB ‘candidate area’ the service is free of charge. If outside a Chorus UFB Candidate Area the charges will be: where the green pipe is less than 100m = $195.00, where the green pipe is more than 100m = POA. 

A new Green Pipe product page has been added to the Field Services section on the website and we have updated the OO&T user guide to include information on how to order these products.

Who do I contact?

For more information on the new process please contact your Service Delivery Manager.